Dec 10, 2008 00:00
[You might find yourself in any one of the building's multitude of kitchens, searching for something to eat. I bet you first check the fridge, don't you? Well then, check the fridge. Oh, what's that? Only eternally refilling jugs of kompot and fermented milk (though several varieties are there for your choosing)? Strange, but you've seen stranger. Might as well peruse the cabinets, then. But upon opening them up, all you'll find is crackers and rations - here a ration, there a ration, everywhere a ration. Oh, and vodka. You might need that later, especially since there is no sign of noodles. ...This could be a long night, so maybe you should pour yourself some coffee. But where's the coffee maker? Further searching yields no sign of coffee maker or coffee. ...Oh man, stay away from GS or this might end in tragedy.
Determined to get to the bottom of this, you search high and low for any clue as to what happened to all the delicious food that the kitchen used to be stocked full of -- only to, when you've nearly given up, find a curious sign on the entrance to the room. It's written in both Russian and English, so you should have no trouble understanding the message as you read:
The kitchens will no longer stock food, with the exception of milk, kompot, tea, crackers, snack rations, and alcohol. Instead, a canteen located on the first floor, adjacent to the lobby, will be set up to provide you with three square, Soviet-approved meals a day.
Hours of operation are from 4AM to 9PM with the help of the following outstanding nexus citizens who have graciously volunteered to take cooking duty for the good of our great society: Rosemary (the younger), Legs (the gekko), and Wolf (the male). All food is free of charge, courtesy of the new Soviet Union under command of Colonel Volgin.
And tacked nearby is the menu which reads:
Shchi, okroshka, and borscht
Pelmeni, vareniki, shashlik, cutlet, sausage, chicken kiev, and plov
Kefir, kompot, and kisel
Pirozhki and assorted baked goods
Vinegret, vitaminniy, and Olivier
On the bright side, there are now an abundance of free range chickens. But still, no sign of coffee or noodles. And everything else you liked to eat? Clear out of sight with no way of ever finding it, short of interrogating the ones who organized this integration endeavor. Even then, words are unreliable and you might not get a straight answer. If only there was official paperwork documenting the procedure...
But oh, might as well give up on that train of thought since there are few in this building of intensely talented individuals skilled enough for a top-secret reconnaissance mission...]