(no subject)

Nov 21, 2008 22:49

[ Vamp has decided to go on a stroll, considering he has been cooped up inside of his newly adopted room - boredom finally overtook his system, and so he prowls outside towards the different floors, gaining a better understanding of the layout for the complex they are all currently residing in.

He finally finds a room that has not been opened. In fact, it is locked. ]

Hrn... that won't do.

[ Disgruntled, yet not discouraged, Vamp gradually fingers up towards the pouches on his left arm, caressing the smooth leather bound of a single knife. He draws it out and hunches down enough to slip the slender knife into the keyhole, working it open with a jam of his fist.

Almost instantantly, the lock cracks, door handle crumbling to the floor and leaving the door ajar.

Curiosity gains the better of Vamp, and he soon steps inside the room. He inhales an almost dusty-smokey scent, making his nose twitch. There is a window to the far west of the room, and a jar holding a single red rose. He reaches out without hesitation to touch it.

All of a sudden, a sweep of the dust and sparkles glint up and brighten the room. The windows clatter and bang, the door opens and shuts, and the entire room quakes, until Vamp lands back to his feet...

Or... paws...? ]

[ooc: HAVE A DISNEY ROOM. VAMP JUST BECAME 'BEAST' FROM BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. HAHA. When your character enters, they will reanact a scene from your favourite Disney movie/series and become one of the characters~ I dunno if this has been done yet, but... 8D YAY?]


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