Jan 13, 2012 01:33
The trouble with places like Nexus is that there's all kinds of room for creativity, and that creativity can lead to some...unusual circumstance. Bored with all this lovey-dovey drama, Nexus has created a new room with a most unusual effect. It seems someone had left a book of fairy tales out or suchlike, and now this room is bent on making those tales come to life.
[[OOC: Event! Fairy Tale Ending Room. You are either the princess or the prince, and you can be any princess/prince from any fairy tale you care to draw up from the brothers Grimm or anywhere else in the world. Depending on what princess or prince you choose to be, your character will befall the same fate as your chosen royalty before they were rescued. Appropriate costumes entirely optional, but strongly recommended for full effect.
Have fun. Get creative. Let True Love's Kiss run rampant!
EDIT: Locked because Liquid and Talib are just... Damn.]]