[All with varying personalities and characteristics, too. Their gleeful chirping can be heard as the zoom past hallways, invade certain rooms, and raid the kitchens. And no, they aren't necessarily being polite about it either. THEY'RE MONKEYS. All the while, a certain painfully
catchy song can be heard playing over the loudspeakers. The song compels. It compels you to hunt. No; it compels you to CATCH some motherfuckin ESCAPED APES.]
[For those who want to catch some apes without necessarily bringing harm to them, you might conveniently find a special monkey-catching net somewhere in your general vicinity. This net works on all monkeys no matter what state they're in- conscious or otherwise.]
[However, for those of you who prefer to take DIFFERENT approaches, all you have to do is make sure the monkey is either knocked out or stunned before grabbing hold of them, and they will automatically be transported back to the world they belong via magical portal.]
[Either way, the problem here is that you actually have to catch them first-- And some may put up a LOT more fight than others.]
((OOC: These apes are running wild everywhere! Feel free to Godmod whenever you want/do your own thing if you don't wanna wait around for a tag from me. You don't HAVE to catch the monkeys at all, but everyone who replies should expect to be poked or pestered by them at least.))