[Visitors to the third floor might notice a very bored ghost hanging around. At first glance, he doesn't seem much different from any other ghost... or does he? Liquid hasn't strayed far from Ocelot for a while. It wasn't as if he could go terribly far from him while the man had his goddamn arm. The fool might just decide to cut it off one day.
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[He floats closer, lifting his hands dramatically.]
A...are you a ghost? [He backed away further into a wall.]
So...somebody killed you, huh? Well, it wasn't me.
[But this man seems to know a version of him. So he comes closer, invading his personal space, and lifts a ghostly hand to lightly touch his face.]
You look like the man that Ocelot calls "Carrier boy".
...[He looked back up, annoyed.] Carrier boy? What is that supposed to mean?
[Stepping over the broken dishes, he increased the distance between them.]
FOXDIE. A virus that targets specific genetic codes.
[There's no point in answering the other question.]
So, Carrier Boy, what are you doing, I wonder, I wonder?
[Finally standing his ground, Ivan realized that Liquid was set on bugging him, and the least he could do was not look like he was scared out of his wits.]
Don't call me that--I'm Major Raikov. [A huff.]
What I'm doing isn't any of your business.
[He looked rather amused, rather than annoyed, as the others might have been.]
I'll call you what I like, carrier boy... and I don't actually care, I suppose.
[Reaching out, he runs a hand through Raikov's chest, tracing down his spine.]
[Falling over onto his butt, he rubbed at his chest with a look of terror, shivering.] S-s--stop that!! What are you trying to d-do?!
[He crouched down, leaning over him to whisper against his ear once more.]
Should I tell you, I wonder? Or should I just let you panic over it... until it's too late...
[Ivan tensed, not daring to move his head lest he brush it against Liquid's.]
Tell...tell me what...?
[He traces a hand lightly over Ivan's chest, resting just a millimetre away from his stomach.]
Shall I tell you?
Juh...[a huff] just tell me!
[He followed him, moving quickly.]
You want me to tell you?
[His expression darkened.]
You're DONE FOR, carrier boy! It's already too late!
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