"I would like to thank you Miss Finster, you saved a lot of people from injury as well as saving my casino considerable money." Mr. Godwin says as he enters the nurses office wherein Julie, Poly and Miss Kyle are being examined to make sure no one was injured. Julie is trying really hard not to stare at Mr. Godwin's head but it's hard as it's made of glass or crystal. "And please feel free to stare. I know I am something of a curiosity."
"I'm sorry," she says abashed.
"Think nothing of it. I understand. Now, as I was saying, you did a great service to my casino and I would like to repay you. What can I do?"
"But...I'm a hero, we do things like that for free." Julie thinks Mr. Godwin smiles at this but it's hard to be sure.
"Be that as it may, I insist. What would you like? My casino is at your disposal."
Julie thinks hard for a few minutes as this is a tempting offer. She could take money like Zodon; her family does always seem to be having money problems. But then dad would get upset and start yelling and besides taking money just feels wrong. Her eye catches the towel she's been using as a cape and then she knows what she wants. "Can I get a new costume?"
"You have your choice of the resources of one of the largest casinos in Vegas and you want a new costume? Child, you give me hope for the next generation of super hero. Of course you can. Anything in Heroic Xpressions is yours. And when you are older, if you need a job, contact me and there will be one waiting for you. Good day."
"Thank you!" Julie calls out amazed at how a great day just keeps getting better.
"Are you sure of your logo?" Pamela, the saleswoman of Heroic Xpressions asks. "Once the suit has been branded, it can not be changed."
Julie looks into the mirror at the hologram of her new costume. She turns to Poly and asks, "Do you like it?"
"I think it's neato!"
"I worry I'm making a mistake," Julie admits as no one has ever chosen a hero name like hers.
"I thought you said you weren't going to worry anymore," Poly points out with a smile.
"Yeah! That's right!" Julie says
adjusting her hair and standing a little taller as her new self, 84. She's sure a lot of people won't understand it but that's okay. "I think it's perfect!"
"Great!" Pamela says with a smile. "This is a nana-fiber that has extensive self-repair capabilities, and it can be automatically resized for the lifetime of the garment at any of our stores. I'll just put the manuals in the bag with your other clothing, and you'll be set!"
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http://fiss84.dreamwidth.org/4309.html. Please feel free to comment here or there using OpenID.