i took this
this interesting little quiz today, (curtosey of
matociquala) and got 16 questions orriented to the right side of the brain, and 2 with the left. sounds pretty scary yet accurate. ive never really been a talker anyways.
grawhr. i cant wait for heroes tommarrow. Mostly, im hoping to see:
-claire and peter to meet up, (so more piare-tards can wig out.)
peter to figure out thats hes claires uncle.-hiro to make funny noises.
-claude to drink more booze.
-zombie simone to eat issacs brains, maybe accompanied by sylar.
-peter to get his girly ass kicked by sylar and scream like a girl.
-nikki to get punched in the face. this makes me glad that nathan's a woman beater D:
well, and the whole 7 minute spider man 3 thing. i think im going to hypervenalite tommarrow night or something. and then ill curl up into a ball and go into an attentive comma for another 5 weeks. everyhtings on break. including criminal minds and house (sort of.) still. it pisses me off like the little mermaid.