Dec 08, 2010 10:07
When I first played the demo and saw that Richard had Lightning Blaster and Ignite Prison, I probably wasn't the only one who thought the developers were just lazy and decided to toss in those ones instead of making new spells for him. However, now that the full moveset is out, I think it was actually pretty clever of them to do so. Richard has one technique from every party member - similar to how Sophie has one B tech that mimics each member's fighting style. Considering how there is pretty heavy emphasis on the similarities between Sophie and Richard (primarily considering the concept of friendship and their difficulties with really understanding what it means), it seems appropriate that they also use the same method as a tribute to their friends. It's also a bit more touching in Richard's case as well; despite having been alive for 19 years, he doesn't have very many friends due to his precarious position. Adding in bits of their fighting styles is probably supposed to represent that they're pretty important to him.
Also, it's kind of cute to imagine each of the party members having a tutoring session with Richard to teach him a technique.