So this evening I have sat with my laptop on my knee and, in between cooking and eating Bangers and mash, have made a Multi PT for the Sims 2! Woot Woot! I am so proud of myself even if it was ridiculously easy thanks to an excellent
tutorial by
simgaroop So I made 4 tester sims (Al, Bee, Gam & Dee) all with Face 1 (I think) and recessive hair and eyes. I made them all alien pregnant through the simblender as I was impatient to check it had worked. Here are four of the toddlers that resulted from 8 pregnancies.
This is Ali being held by her father Al. She has my default skin (Dicreasy's), default alien eyes (maxis) and black hair.
This is Beta being held by his mother Bee. He has trapping's freckly alien skin, has SarhraEyes (kinemortophobia's recolours of) Hot Knives and black hair
A child pic of Beta to show his eyes!
This is Gamma being held by his father Gam. He has pixie Winter skin by enayla, SarhaEyes (kinemortophobia's recolours of) Time code and red hair.
Finally this is Deeva. She had Anva Aquatic skin by Kayleigh, default alien eyes (maxis) and blonde hair.
So there we go. Sorry for the rubbish dark pictures of Deeva and Ali I was too impatient to post about it! I made all the PT's in Bodyshop with the exception of the the default PT (who is Ali's other parent) who is a grown up Tanith (my Husband's simself's alien toddler). Her PT was from Widget's Multi-PT no CC.
Next I'm going to actually do some more work towards SimStoCreMo!