Dec 01, 2007 22:22
It is a tradition, in our family, to set up the Christmas tree and decorate the house on December the first. This year, I was writing something and organizing a family get together with stuck up relatives while Mother dearest and my younger brother attempted to put up the Christmas tree. I could hear a good deal of arguing going on, but didn’t bother trying to help them until my mum came looking for me and told me that something was very very wrong. By this time, it was about 2 hours since they had begun. I was told that the Christmas tree was broken, no-longer able to stand upright in it’s base, and so we had to go buy a new one straight away.
I sat down and had a look at it, then started to laugh. Mum asked me what was so funny, and I did this little hiccup thing and told her she’d been trying to put the wrong part in the base the entire time. We got the right part of the tree, put it in (This taking all of 3 minutes) and I wandered back to my ringing relatives that don’t ever want to see us again but come to the family get-togethers anyway… When I heard them arguing about which part goes in next.
My family is completely made up of idiots. I can’t wait to live with FB in our own apartment: That way we’d at least get the tree upright before blowing it to bits. XDD