More Texas Ridiculousness

Mar 15, 2010 11:29

As a note here: I have superb respect for people who can demonstrate an ability to show reason and thought as well as religious faith. Some people have definitely proven they have those qualities as of late.

My problem is with christian fundamentalists. The scary ones. Have some more Texas idiocy in news story links that I couldn't find the first time. I'll quote especially awesome phrases for you.

Texas Removes Thomas Jefferson from the Teaching Standard!

"By dropping mention of revolution, and substituting figures such as Aquinas and Calvin for Jefferson, Texas Freedom Network argues, the board had chosen to embrace religious teachings over those of Jefferson, the man who coined the phrase "separation between church and state.""

"The board decided to use the words "free enterprise" when describing the U.S. economic system rather than words such as "capitalism," "capitalist" and "free market," which it deemed to have a negative connotation. "

I'm a Dentist, not a historian, but by god I'll rewrite history for the kiddos

“I’m a dentist, not a historian,” Dr. McLeroy told Mr. Shorto. “But I’m fascinated by history, so I’ve read a lot.”

"“I consider myself a Christian fundamentalist,” he announced almost as soon as we sat down. He also identifies himself as a young-earth creationist who believes that the earth was created in six days, as the book of Genesis has it, less than 10,000 years ago. He went on to explain how his Christian perspective both governs his work on the state board and guides him in the current effort to adjust American history textbooks to highlight the role of Christianity. “Textbooks are mostly the product of the liberal establishment, and they’re written with the idea that our religion and our liberty are in conflict,” he said. “But Christianity has had a deep impact on our system. The men who wrote the Constitution were Christians who knew the Bible. Our idea of individual rights comes from the Bible. The Western development of the free-market system owes a lot to biblical principles.”"

This is who is voting on our school curriculum.....

"For McLeroy, separation of church and state is a myth perpetrated by secular liberals. “There are two basic facts about man,” he said. “He was created in the image of God, and he is fallen. You can’t appreciate the founding of our country without realizing that the founders understood that. For our kids to not know our history, that could kill a society. That’s why to me this is a huge thing.”"

Texus Textbook Showdown with Anderson Cooper

"Out: calling the U.S. government "Democratic". In: Calling it a "Constitutional Republic." Also out: too much talk about Thomas Jefferson and the enlightenment, which stressed reasoning and science over blind faith. Also In: More recognition of the contributions of religious leaders, like Moses."

As an added bonus, the civil rights movement is being taught in some classrooms (this particular one in Texas) as if it was just an afterthought. Rosa Parks isn't mentioned as being arrested or as boycotting.
Simple. Black people sat at the back of the bus and were TEH_SAD. White people took pity and made Jim Crow illegal. Isn't our government so wonderful and grand? The head teacher also described Jim Crow laws as "weird". As opposed to, y'know, wrong. She also failed to mention who made the laws to begin with. (Hint: not the people sitting in the back of the bus, or anybody who looked like them.)

Even sadder, when I got the opportunity to take over (the teacher was on the telephone), not a single student knew that Rosa Parks was ARRESTED for sitting at the back of the bus. Our computer was attached to the projector (I was supposed to show them some "I Have a Dream" clip), and I pulled up a picture of Rosa's mug shot. (The real one, not the one where I replaced her arrest number with BITCH PLEASE.) They were absolutely shocked. All they know is Rosa sitting quietly at the back of the bus, staring out of the window. Uh, yeah. She's quiet b/c she's trying to calculate how much her BAIL is going to be.

More bonus:
Teachers in Texas will be required to cover the Judeo-Christian influences of the nation's Founding Fathers, but not highlight the philosophical rationale for the separation of church and state.

"Republican Terri Leo, a member of the powerful Christian conservative voting bloc, called the standards "world class" and "exceptional.""

"Another amendment deleted a requirement that sociology students "explain how institutional racism is evident in American society.""

"Democrats did score a victory by deleting a portion of an amendment by Republican Don McLeroy suggesting that the civil rights movement led to "unrealistic expectations for equal outcomes.""

Do you realize the implications of this?!? Can you sense the crazy? These people are rewriting history. They are deleting important factors that have shaped this country.

politics, education, idiots, school

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