Caught the Jogging Bug

Dec 07, 2009 19:44

I finished the 5k slower than I wanted to. That hill, which was on the second mile, was a fucking BEAST. It was just a little steep, but it was LONG. There was a soaking rain and it snowed. My clothes took two days to dry. J and I are dedicated to doing another 5k soon. I'm going for February or March personally.

Tomorrow, I'm going to Dick's to get some cheap running shoes until I can go by the running specialty show located near work. It will take awhile to buy a pair of expensive shoes because I haven't budgeted a pair in yet. I live my life by budgets. But I need shoes NOW and I want to go out jogging downtown on Wednesday. I went for a brisk walk today after listening to David Bowie and Skinny Puppy. I really loved having this day off, even though I felt pretty bad early on today.

So jam skating and jogging? Never would have pegged me for the type. Mind you, I'm not allergic to sports, I played soccer a couple of years in high school and enjoyed it immensely still...I see 5k's in my future. J and I have a time goal for our next race and hopefully it won't be in the rain. I do dig jogging in the cold though. Love it.

In other great news, Dad came home from the hospital and Nic got her new job.

5k, jogging, bounce/skate

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