So, I'm gonna start posting here. First new post? ^Ignore the utter wank posted there. They usually have a wank off at this poor pathetic site. It hasn't happened on this link, but it usually happens on this site.
BUT Make this so, Virginia. It's been what? 400 freaking years? Make this so.
In VA. sucky news. Creigh Deeds won the Democratic Primary in Virginia. But thank God Terry McAuliffe lost. And yeah, I'm still holding a grudge from last year's election. I know it's petty. I don't care. I voted for Brian Moran, but in all honesty, he's my kind of liberal, which is the kind of liberal that will never win in Virginia, as in even if Satan himself was running against the liberal. So Creigh is acceptable. I'll probably be looking to help with the campaigning for him and/or S. Valentine (though I don't live in her district, but she's just that mad cool, mayn). And the Governor news from Huffpo (which is really like my liberal blog crack, mainly because I like it's interface best): VOP (Virginia Organizing Project) is working on helping to reform health care. Get involved with the organization by going to