1. I keep seeing the use of the word "awhile" and for a while (heh, see what I did there? ;)), I thought "awhile" was an imaginary creature like the
alot. Turns out, "awhile" is not an imaginary creature, but
"[insert preposition] awhile" (e.g. "for awhile") is. :>
2. I am experiencing random aches -- I suspect they were caused by the yoga class I went to yesterday. I am about as strong as a toothpick and as bendable as a brick wall. :< Also, my back really hurts. Earlier in the afternoon, I was lying on the ground, trying to stretch it out, but my attempts were not effective. Also, my shoulder blades kind of poke out (I don't know if it's because my back consists only of skin and bones or because I have oddly formed shoulder blades) so it's not comfortable lying flat on a hard surface. D:
3. Anonmemes tend to have a bad rep, but
this (assuming it's true and all that) is kind of ridiculously sweet and awesome. :> And now someone needs to write this into a J2 AU! ;)