(no subject)

Jan 26, 2010 18:57

1) Tagged by scorpiod1

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

1. When I come across stretches of blank white walls, I automatically think, "I wish I had a magical purple crayon."

2. I don't like wearing bras when I don't have to (i.e. at home). I also don't like wearing high heels or skinny jeans or dresses/skirts (I like looking at dresses/skirts though).

3. I have long-ish hair, but rarely ever wear it down (because backs of necks need to breathe too).

4. I like wind chimes and train rides and soap bubbles. And fluffy clouds on a sunny day.

5. Conceptually, I love hugs. However, I am a bad hug-giver and hug-receiver. :( Hugging is a skill I lack.

6. I really want to get laser eye surgery because my vision has been poor since grade four, but I'm terrified of the idea of LASERS CUTTING THROUGH MY EYEBALLS. :|

7. I prefer listening to Japanese or Korean music over English music (and Chinese music to a lesser extent) because I usually listen to music while doing something else (reading, most often) and understanding the lyrics interferes with the other task. If I'm writing something, I prefer having instrumental soundtracks or classical music in the background.

I tag everyone who hasn't done this meme because I am a nosy person with a healthy amount of curiosity.

2) What TV shows would you guys recommend to me? I need more shows to watch while eating lunch and dinner. :D (I could spend the time reading more articles instead, but that would just be depressing)

3) I don't know if I can finish my j2_everafter entry. D: My art muse has been dead like a dead thing lately.

teevee, meme

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