
Jan 23, 2005 23:28

i was bored, i was doing surveys..i did another one but after about an hour i hit something and the fucking thign went away..needless to say i was pissed

heres the other one anyways..

Ultimate Survey!

Created by BeaKer and taken 12 times on bzoink!
What's your favorite...gum?Winterfreshrestaurant?Rhode House Grilldrink?root beer or iced teaseason?Summertype of weather?either sunny so i can swim, or romantic rain<33emotion?happinessthing to do on a half day?walk aronud Holden with my best friend(s)!!!! lollate-night activity?sleepovers, party, anything with, followed by footballcity?i hate citiesstore?pac sunWhen was the last time you...cried?last weekplayed a sport?on a team? a long time agolaughed?a couple hours agohugged someone?friday night, i hugged a shytload of peoplekissed someone?december 23rdfelt depressed?cant rememberfelt elated?uhmfelt overworked?overworked? uhm idkfaked sick?neverlied?haha cant rememberWhat was the last...word you said?winthing you ate?a popper thing lolsong you listened to?i hate everything about you--three days gracething you drank?waterplace you went to?lia's housemovie you saw?Ocean's Twelvemovie you rented?Thirteen <33concert you went to?jatpp at the botb lol...but im SUPPOSED to be going to bright eyes 2mrw nyte if its not cancelled..lets pray!!Who was the last person you...hugged?Katyacried over?no commentkissed?Carldanced with?Derrekshared a secret with?i dont knowhad a sleepover with?Lia, last nyte..and Lia and Katya the night before thatcalled?Timwent to a movie with?Leyla and Abbysaw?Liawere angry with?no commentcouldn't take your eyes off?hmmm...Have you ever...danced in the rain?OF COURSE <33kissed someone?uh yeaadone drugs?nopedrank alcohol?negativepartied till the sun came up?haha well at katya's party..kindahad a movie marathon?no =[gone too far on a dare?mm, dont remind metaken a survey quite like this before?possibly
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