Oct 17, 2005 00:58
1: First grade teacher's name: i don't fucking remember
2. Last word you said: fuck
3: Last song you sang: The Postal Service - This Place Is A Prison
4: Last person you hugged: ryan.
5: Last thing you laughed at? something tara sent me.
6: Last time you said I don't remember: when my dad asked me if i smoked pot today.
7: Last time you cried? this morning...early as fuck.
9: What color socks are you wearing: black
10: What's under your bed: the floor.
11: What time did you wake up today: 5:30 and threw up for an hour or so. went back to bed. got up again at 12. went back to bed. then got up at 4.
12: Current taste: tomato soup
13: Current hair: messie.
15: Current annoyance: the lack of a lighter.
16: Current longing: i long to not feel like soot and poo.
17: Current desktop background: black and white picture of a married couple hanging from a tree.
and "don't cry or stop to wonder why, we crashed out the thunder, on the floor, down from the ceiling, it was nice waking up next to you" written in red.
18: Current worry: coy's court date.
19: Current hate: i seem to have developed a strong diss like for kids (kids being anyone younger then me)
20: Current favorite article of clothing: my black tight fitting long sleeve shirt.
21: Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: wrists, eyes, and lips.
22: Last CD that you listened to: eh, whatever dave had in his car last night, cuz other then that i don't listen to cds, just random shit on my computer.
23: Favorite place to be: any place pretty and over cast, i'm normaly happy so long as i'm with people i like.
24: Least favorite place: eh sorry to say but rocky, too much drama and bs i have with some of the people there.
25: Time you wake up in the morning? when ever i roll outta bed.
26: If you could play an instrument, what would it be? i play bass and guitar.
27: Favorite color: blue
28: Do you believe in an afterlife: not really.
29: How tall are you: 5'8''
30: Current favorite word/saying: *in response to someone being bitchie* "ya well i hope the next person
you kiss has something terribly contagious on there lips."
31: Favorite book: dakota of the white flats.
32: Favorite season: winter
33: One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: eric, i miss him dearly.
35: Where do you want to go for college? i want to go to cal arts but i probaly wont.
36: What is your career going to be like: iunno, i wanna do something with cars.
37: How many kids do you want: eh, 1 or 2
39: Said "I love you": yes.
40: Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: i blind sided my mom's dog.
41: Been to New York: no
42: Been to Florida: no
43: Been to California: i fucking live there.
44: Been to Hawaii: yes
45: Been to Mexico: no
46: Been to China: nope
48: Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: i dreamed the answers to a test
once, weird.
52: Do you have a crush on someone: you could say that
53: What book are you reading now? i'm not.
54: Worst feeling in the world: the feeling i had late, late, last night and this morning.
55: What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: "damn it! i gotta do this shit again!"
56: How many rings before you answer: how ever long it takes me to find my phone.
59: Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yes
64: Do you do drugs: if i said no i would be lying.
65: Do you drink: like a fuckin fish
67: What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? whatever is in the bathroom.
68: What are you most scared of: bugs, being alone, and hurting people i care about.
69: What clothes do you sleep in? boxers and a big tee shirt
70: Who is the last person that called you: coy's "brother"
71:Where do you want to get married: graveyard, cuz i'm so goth like that.
72: If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: everything, i don't like myself very much.
73. Who do you hate: people, just people.
74: Been In Love: still am.
75: Are you timely or always late: i try to be on time.
76: Do you have a job: nope.
77: Do you like being around people? i like being around people i care about. other then that people annoy
78: Best feeling in the world: sleeping next to someone i love.
79: Are you for world peace: nope.
80: Are you a health freak: hell no, i'm a fat kid!
81: Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: i guess, tall guys, skinny guys, kinda gothie,
kinda punkie, hardcore type guys, asshole-ish guys that also have a nice side. ya know, people like me.
82: Do you want someone you don't have?: who doesn't.
83: Are you lonely right now: "are you lonely? *ya* have you spent most of your life in bars pursuing sins
of the flesh? *thats me* are you sitting in a bean bag chair naked eatting cheetos? *YES SIR!* do you feel
the urge to send me $1,000? *NOPE! haha i thought he was talking about me there for a minute.*" yay for ron white.
84: Ever afraid you'll never get married: na
85: Do you want to get married: yes
86: Do you want kids? i guess
87: Cried: yes
88: Bought Something: yes
89: Gotten Sick: i feel sick
90: Sang: yup
91: Said I Love you: ah, nope
92: Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: i want to tell coy that i still love him :(
93: Met Someone: new? no
94: Moved On: no
95: Talked To Someone: yes
96: Had A Serious Talk: ya, ryen and i always have serious talks
97: Missed Someone: very very much.
98: Hugged Someone: yes
99: Yelled at Someone: oh yes
100. someone You Can't Be with out: yelled at someone i can't be with out? no. who is someone i can't be without? there are 3 people and they know who they are :)