Jul 20, 2009 12:45
So I am making this entry to let people know what is up with the whole Scott situation because it takes me a ridiculous amount of time to type it up each time.
So this weekend Me, Sam, Drake and Scott went up to Drake's cabin. We left on Thursday and came back yesterday, Sunday. Before this I had spent quite a lot of time with Scott, on Saturday we were at his Sister's wedding, Sunday we were hanging out with Sam and Drake because Drake just got home from camp, (Monday did not include him but I was with Sam all day), on Tuesday we went out on a Date and we officially became a couple, on Wednesday we went with Drake and Sam to see the Harry Potter movie and then the weekend began. On Wednesday I was super exhausted from the fact I had been hanging out with everyone at least like 12 hours each day I was out so I hadn't be home more than a couple hours that wasn't sleeping or getting ready to go somewhere.
Well apparently because I wasn't completely chipper Scott had a bit of a freak out. He had to talk to Drake for like 4 hours after me and Sam left on Wednesday. And then, by mistake I found out he was talking all about it to Aaron too, and of course he had to talk to Sam about it as well. Whatever. I felt like my privacy was slightly invaded when he talked to Aaron but it wasn't that big of a deal.
So Thursday goes pretty good, well at least on my part. I had prepared myself the night before so I was all chippy and peppy and quick on my toes. But now Scott was saying things he thought I wanted to hear. Like we really had to work on balance this weekend so we didn't hate eachother and we should have alone time and what not. Well his version of alone time doesn't match up with my definition of alone time.... see in my version of alone time... people are ALONE. So Scott was heavily hinting for his couple time that he marketed as "alone time" so Drake finally took the hint and left the garage to go jump on the trampoline and Sam followed. I really wanted to also follow because just sitting on a couch in a garage was not that appealing to me. But I knew I couldn't, so me and Scott did our own thing for a couple minutes and then he came over and talked to me. And we had our deep couple talk - UGH. Once again it consisted of what did I want in a relationship? I had already answered this like 3 times or so previous and was wondering if this was some type of trick question because I really didn't get why I had to answer it AGAIN. Whatever I gritted my teeth and answered it again. And then he acted like we were so much alike saying he didn't know how Drake had so much energy and he couldn't keep going all the time like Drake could (he implied I was the same way, and we were just like two god damn peas in a pod).
Moving on the next day I don't honestly remember much besides major couple talks at least twice in the day. I was trying to avoid it. I once shot down his invite to write my bit to Aaron (will talk about that later) and the various times he said he needed a nap because to me that seemed like a one-person type of activity (People who are in a relationship: IT'S NOT), and finally he got me with I am going to the garage, will you accompany me? And there was no way I could avoid looking like a bitch if I rejected it so I just said yes and tried not to grumble too loudly. The couple time consisted of the regular what do you want in a relationship, and even more bitching about Drake than the day previous. Stupid things like how apparently drake cut him off before he could get to the height of his joke and how he made sarcastic jokes that hurt him. It was this ridiculous shit that was like... Honestly? He has been seriously the nicest guy to everyone to make sure they have a great time. Oh and then he suggested we nap which apparently is a couple activity and code word for cuddling... and oh god the whole time I just wanted to vomit.
Next the day of the car crash. So on Saturday we were heading out to Paul Bunyan land. Drake couldn't drive us all because of the law that stops you from having more than 1 passenger in the first 6 months. And Scott had been passive about how he had to drive so much and gas and what not. So Scott was driving Drake's Caddilac so he wouldn't have to pay for even more gas and we headed out. So we went to Paul Bunyan land which was fun and I had a great time but I was so annoyed with Scott because he kept doing this thing where earlier when we were alone he would ask me if I wanted to do something like watch a movie and I said yes because that would be better than sitting alone in a garage having some deep talk and then later he would bring it up to everyone being like "Well Brittney really wants to watch a movie" instead of just saying he wanted to. He also did the same thing with something else with Drake's mom and it was just really uncomfortable. So anyhow I just tried to smile but I cut most conversations short because he really didn't have much to talk about and neither did I. So we were headed into Brainerd to get some McDonalds for supper. I was quiet in the car because I was still feeling a little sick from the tilt-a-whirl that was an abnormally long ride and abnormally brutal. So we are just about to get into the town when a car stops to take a turn and didn't have his blinker on. I stare for a few seconds to realize it was actually at a stop and then I say "Stop" and Drake yells it too but it's too late and even as Scott tries to stop we hit the back of the stopped car.
It wasn't that bad of an ordeal though, honestly. No one was hurt and the airbags didn't go off strangely enough but the seat belts kept us in our place. However the damage on the cars wasn't too nice. Drake's family is still not sure if their car can be repaired because the front was really crunched. We got out of the car and Drake was actually really calm and he handled like everything even though it was Scott driving. He started talking to the driver before Scott did and he called the police and dealt the majority with the police officers. So afterward Drake called his mom and we sat in the ditch waiting for her to come pick us up. Sam and I were just kind of staring off when the guys joined us after they were done with the police. Scott really awkwardly asked "Can I hold your hand? It would help me a lot right now." I really didn't want to. I was annoyed with him from the days earlier plus I was not in the remotest touchy feely mood. But I gave him my hand and of course that led to more intense cuddling and a hug and the smallest pep talk I could pull out of my ass. UGH So Drake's mom finally got there, thank god the cuddling could finally stop, and first thing she did was make sure everyone was okay and then she gave scott two really big hugs and made sure that he didn't feel bad and told him it was just a material object and what not. On the car ride back though Scott seemed to milk it for all it was worth, throwing his own personal pity party. Which is just rude seeing as the two people's car he wrecked were in that car with him. And I don't remember him once saying sorry it was just however he could get in a comment to show how upset he was with himself and to get people to comfort him.
I am sorry you should have a little bit more self-respect and dignity when you possibly completely totaled a ridiculously nice car that wasn't yours. You should say sorry, and move on. Not make innapropriate jokes and comments over and over again where it gets the point people just ignore you because they don't know what to say anymore. We actually went over to a party afterwards because that was where Drake's family was at and that was where supper was. Once again, Drake's dad was super nice to Scott just saying that it was a material object and the more important thing was that everyone was okay. Everyone there kept telling him it wasn't that big of a deal and shared with him their crash stories. So we went off and hung out as we waited for supper and Scott kept going all emo and disappearing. And each time all I could thing was I'm not his mother no way in fuck I am going to go looking for him, and Drake was constantly trying to keep tabs on him the whole night and was worry about him.
After the party was over we headed back to Drake's house where we made a fire to burn an old table that was falling apart. Drake wandered off and so did Sam so I was left alone with Scott at the fire because of course you can't leave a fire unattended. Cue the deep discussion. But this time it was worse than normal. He had to know what was up with me because he really didn't appreciate the short conversations today. And what did I want from him? And when did he annoy me that day so he had better reference for the future? And the awkward questions I didn't have answers for just kept coming. He had to know everything. So I said that I was really upset because I had been thinking about calling Jake all day. Which was partially true, I had been thinking about calling jake but it wasn't like it upset me. I was just hoping to deter him off of all the couple questions. He didn't really like that idea. And asked me what Jake was to me that he couldn't be for me? I got a bit creeped out at this point and he told me he wanted to basically be my everything. At this point I was afraid of more couple questions to start or more on this line of him being everything to continue so I got up and said I had to text Jake and I would be back in 10 mins.
I headed back to the bunk house and had a mini breakdown. I felt trapped because I had earlier decided to stay in the relationship until Summer was over so that it could just end mutually with us both going off to college so it would wreck him like his last girlfriend. Who was this mega bitch and I felt so responsible not to be that and to make it a good relationship while it lasted. But it was evident within the first night that he asked me out things weren't working out. He changed from just having fun into serious relationship all the time. So I sucked it up and after ten minutes left the bunk house. Apparently while inside Drake and Sam had come back up and asked about me. And he was all like "Could you guys leave Brittney is really upset about Jake and I need some more time with her." And Sam was like, wait hold on a second, and asked to talk to me for a little bit. Because she knows Jake and all of that unlike Scott who has hear about two or three things I have said about him and assumes he knows the whole story.
Sam caught me halfway back to the fire and asked what was up and how I was doing and then I just completely broke down again. Sam was the best and I got over it with some much needed talk. And that's when it hit me that there was no way in fuck I was staying in a relationship for someone else. That was so un-me. So in my mind at that point we were broken up but in reality that had yet to happen.
Oh I also forgot to mention about how much he bitched about Drake earlier at the fire. Once again, Drake was just sooooooo GOD DAMN INSENSITIVE. Yeah, let's completely forget all the digs you were aiming at yourself for self pity and he told you not to worry or tried to lighten the mood. And the thing he kept referring to as Drake being so mean Scott had iniated and his rationale behind it didn't even make sense so I am not going to bother to explain it because it was pathetic.
So we went back to the fire and everything was light and fun and finally we had to go to bed. Scott walked me to the bunk and gave me a hug and asked about Jake. I told him all was good and that I was going to call Jake after I got home the next day.
The next day was pretty mellow we spent a lot of time on the swing listening to music and no one really talked much. Later we were hanging out in the garage doing nothing because we were waiting on Drake's dad so we could get going (he was fishing somewhere) and then Scott said we should all have some alone time... this time it was actually legit alone time. Well I wasn't having it because I didn't feel like having alone time. So I went out and hung out with Sam and Drake for a little bit and my new Wife Ingrid and Drake's little sister. I then turned around to see Scott off on a hill staring at me all moody. Since he was constantly analyzing me this whole weekend I should of been used to it, but I went to hang out with Sam in a place where he was cut off from seeing me from his angle. He then decided to join the group but when things died down and Sam left he just went back to staring at me.
I was sitting on part of the playset and just turned the other way and stared out into the lake. Later on, apparently completely inept at reading body language he approached me and asked "Do you want to go down to the dock, or swing or are you good?" I told him I was good but that didn't seem to register so he asked it again and I told him I was good right there. He gave me a moody look and then sulked over to the swing. I had accepted all his other alone time offers sorry if I didn't want to bow down to his will when he was all sulky and stalkerish the whole day. On top of the fact I had been pissed off with him all weekend.
So about to leave he called Sam over to him and she of course had to try to calm him down. He asked her about me, he had sent her on errands all weekend to check up on me and ask questions that she was suppose to report back to him but never really did or told him an answer we both decided on.
It's sad this is super long and I haven't gotten to the crazy part yet. So we headed home and Scott was driving. It was silent in the car because we had been around eachother all weekend, Drake was reading, Sam was probably spacing out and I was spacing out. Halfway through he decides to put on music and the first song lo and behold was a song about love and forgiveness...I nearly burst out in a rage of Bitch. I was already on edge seething in pissed offness coupled with feeling like I was trapped inside of a car. When I am angry I need time to just get over it, trying to sugarcoat something or making it corny just results in making me absolutely irate.
We finally get home and he gets everything out of his car and as soon as we are out of the way, he gets in his car without saying good bye and peels the hell out of there and speeds off. What a guy.
So fastforward to us getting home. Sam calls me because Scott is talking to her MOM online about me and the whole situation. He is completely delusional and everytime she tries to give him some advice or insight some rationale he things she is like scorning him. He talks about how he is jealous of Jake. And she is like, you know he's GAY, right? And then he also talks about how he was jealous of Sam and Drake because I talked to them so much more this weekend. Which is impossible seeing as I was locked away with him for hours and I really didn't talk to Drake an abnormal amount. And even if I talked to Sam more (again not possible) she's MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND. And he was going on about how he couldn't get a smile out of me this whole weekend... again completely false. I smiled so he would question me quite a lot.
Then he moved on to Sam later which was to be expected. And even better yet he thought it was a good idea to stick his nose farther. He sent an im on facebook to Jake asking if he had talked to me today. I had already talked to jake and was currently talking to him when it happened so I asked him not to respond. I had to go and tell all of my friends not to talk to him which made me feel uncomfortable, isolating a person isn't really my thing. But I did it because he was trying to isolate me from my friends.
He encouraged me to like fight with Aaron and he talked about how he wanted to be there when I wrote to Aaron about what was bothering me. And in the exact same swing he was befriending Aaron. He didn't like the idea of me and Jake talking again. And like I said earlier he got super jealous of Jake and of course tried to contact him in no doubt to befriend him and figure out how he could become Jake to me like he had said earlier. He has befriended Bailey (there is a good story about him lying and what not with this one but I don't feel like going into it...it involves alcohol). He didn't want me telling Sam things about our relationship though he was constantly berating her about me and how I was doing. Basically what he was doing was trying to like shut me down from all of my friends and my life it seemed but befriend them himself. So I was like as consumed with the relationship as he was. I don't even know if I am explaining it right I have talked so much about this in the last day and its such a long story that I am sure I missed quite a bit but oh well. God there is so much to bitch about besides just the issolation thing but I realize it doesn't matter the important thing is I got out the majority of it and people who need to know will understand why I am hoping they won't talk to him.