Title: Tainted Memories Amid the Dust
Rating: PG
Word Count: 355
Pairing: Andromeda/Ted
Prompt: Candle in the Window
A/N: For the
7spells prompt challenge, 7/7, with her family gone Andi reverts back to her old self.
Andi found out via an owl that her husband had been buried by his parents, her parents-in-law, in their family graveyard. They had sent her the owl to ask her why hadn't she replied to the letter they had sent and therefore, why didn't she come to her own husbands funeral. She was upset admittedly, but as much as she loved him she could not have brought herself to look at his body lying in the coffin, all pasty and white and lifeless and dead. It would taint all of her happy memories of him, from the time she had borrowed his book in the library in 6th year, when she had said goodbye to her family, their wedding, just before Dora had been born and many more that escaped her.
It was in the same way that she had locked up their little muggle house to preserve it, like she had done to her parents, she would go back when she was ready, and then she could deal with all of the belongings. She dreaded going into his little attic room where he kept all of his toys and spent an inordinate amount of time.
Andromeda set the table in the drawing room for afternoon tea amid the dust, and then lit a candle which she left on the sideboard in front of the family portrait in the hall, that had been painted in the bay window when Andromeda was five, Bella was seven and little Cissa was only three, with their parents smiling at their daughter, unaware of the crime she had commited. She knew that the lighting of the candle there would call her sisters back to the house. And then they would start afresh, retake the blood vow between the three of them, and put Andi's past with Ted and Dora behind her.
She was making the ultimate sacrifice, giving up her love for her family - the warmth and light had left her life for good when she had been told of Ted's death and now she was left with the cold and the dark. She was a Black again.