Dec 02, 2009 23:33
You ever have one of those days where you say to yourself: "Screw it. I don't care what more needs to be done. I'm going to indulge myself!"?
Tonight is one of those nights for me.
My computer may be giving me a hassle, and I may have projects and other stuff to work on but DANGIT, I want to settle into bed early and read a book, so I'm going to!
I deserve it. In my Policy class we had to write proposed legislative bills and then present them to the class, who would vote on whether they passed or not. I worked myself brain-dead on my bill, especially considering that my project partner wasn't always helpful. Anywho, today we found out that our bill passed and we got an A on the project. I'm so happy and relieved that I feel I deserve a reward.
Our bill passed, but six people voted against it. The votes were confidential, but this one...ugh, she makes me want to swear...this one classmate of ours felt the need to announce to the class that she voted against it and why. First of all, this girl annoys the daylights out of me all the time, and she's in two of my classes so I have to put up with her way too often. Second...IT WAS AN ANONYMOUS VOTE ON A FAKE BILL. THAT MEANS NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW HOW YOU VOTED AND WHY. Furthermore, it was A FAKE BILL. It doesn't need to be treated like it's going to become an actual bloody law! She just wanted to bring us down. It didn't work.
I was texting this ridiculously cute and awesome guy friend of mine who's also a Social Work major, and I complained about how 90% of the people in our major are irritating me now. He said that everyone in our major has gone insane. I agree. Christmas Break can't come soon enough. I need a month away from all these loonies.
Right, so that was my vent and ramble. Now, I'm going to have a little more fun with Stumble Upon, and then head to bed.
I love when I feel upbeat about things.
PS: This icon is from Mew's video for "Comforting Sounds". Check it out on Youtube. The song is beautiful, and so is the video.
Great googly moogly, that guy I texted is so cute.