May 27, 2006 21:20
Hello from the Keys! I'm here once again doing coral research with Dr. Walters. Today we set up our large week long experiment, very labor intensive. We have not gone diving yet, but we did snorkel to setup the chamber experiment. Its beautiful hot, muggy, and filled with millions of mosquitoes and no-seeums. So, the funny thing that happened today was we needed a small boat but did not have one to transport the cooler that carries the coral larvae chamber experiment . . . so we getto-rigged a kayak with 2 tubs (carrying chambers)and tied it to another kayak pulled by Raph, while I followed behind in another kayak and made sure the kayak being towed didn't tipover. Quite an interesting sight, but it worked. It took us 4 hrs to setup the experiment in the Seagrass beds nearby. More updates to come . . .
Anyways, I miss you all and I'll see you 2 weeks.