(no subject)

Sep 06, 2010 21:42

Back in London, ON. I already miss Montana's mountains, warmth and dry air; it's been cool, grey and muggy since arriving back here, with brief moments of sunshine.

My room this year is actually fairly brilliant. I have my own sink! No more awkward conversations while attempting to brush my teeth or wash my face. Bri is next door, and Jasmine further along, so the hallway is quiet. There's a great deal more closet/drawer space in this dorm as well, given that the furniture is built-in instead of standing wardrobes, etc.

One thing I actually am fond of here is the crickets and... cicadas, I guess? The quiet drone is rather soothing, and since my room looks out over the fields surrounding the dorm, I get it particularly loud. It doesn't drown out the street noise, though, which is something I'll have to get used to.

Another source of stress is my grandmother -- the South African one -- as she took a fall a week and a half before I was due to arrive here. She broke a rib and is concussed, so she's still in the hospital; we're worried that she just doesn't want to hang on anymore, as she doesn't really want to eat, and doesn't really want to /fight/, which is so... odd, with her. I can understand it to some extent, though: she's lived a full life and wants to meet her God and all her friends who have passed before her, as she believes will happen. Honestly, I can't blame her. I don't even think it's my right to stop her.

My aunt is here as a result of this, so we've had interesting conversations. My aunt is, you see, one of those delightfully direct people.
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