To posit that reality is nothing more than electrical impulses is okay, as Warner does in his commentary on Dogen's Shobogenzo, but, it is highly likely that there is more to it than that.
From the perspective of someone suffering, that idea -- that we're just electrical impulses that die out forever at death -- is rather comforting. Oblivion as it were is appealing. It means no more suffering. It is like a super permanent sleep. Awareness ceases to exist at all. Again, it is a comforting notion to some. One desire is the desire for non-existence or unbecoming. To desire for life is one, but to desire for unbecoming, not necessarily death, is again a jump away from reality.
One sees smoke from the other side of a hill. One can infer there is fire. One observes various events and can infer that certain forces are in fact operating in the world that we cannot directly perceive. Radiation is like that. You can see the effects, but can't directly perceive it.
Now, in my mind I've come to some conclusions about rebirth and unworldly beings. It isn't a religious belief, it is one based on observation, reasoning and conclusions. Indeed, many will disagree with me and cite illogical fallacies, but then I only accept the conventional aspect of the primacy of logic. I have my arguments for rebirth. Many like to just say, "Naw, there's nothing. You rot in the ground and that's it." That's a superstition in my mind. It usually doesn't have any experience to back it up for one thing. Nothingness is absurd. Nobody has ever experienced absolute nothingness because if they did it was relative.
Anyhow, in the Mahayana it is said that Bodhisattvas never end their careers. There is no ultimate vacation. Even after perfect enlightenment one seeks to be of benefit to all sentient beings. Hence they are said to manifest in the world.
"Many like to just say, "Naw, there's nothing. You rot in the ground and that's it." That's a superstition in my mind."
I was thinking so, I can exist as a 'spiritual being' for my pet rabbit: performing acts of kindness etc, and that's it for the scope of spiritual beings. It just ends there, with me, and other pet owners. Extend this metaphor to whom or whatever. That doesnt make sense. If I can exist, but not fully known or understood to my pet rabbit then spiritual beings are highly likely to exist. How can I prove this? Because I am not omniscent. If I were, I could say for sure either way. There is much I dont know therefore the extension of me as spiritual being to spiritual beings looking after me is highly likely, if not, a surety.
When I was in grade 2 we did this special theme for a few weeks about Australia. Everything was to do with Australia for a few weeks. I'm not kidding. I can remember everything. We went to see some visiting Koalas at the Zoo. Some Australian teacher came to talk to us and show us photos. We were taught some songs and I can still sing waltzing matilda.
From the perspective of someone suffering, that idea -- that we're just electrical impulses that die out forever at death -- is rather comforting. Oblivion as it were is appealing. It means no more suffering. It is like a super permanent sleep. Awareness ceases to exist at all. Again, it is a comforting notion to some. One desire is the desire for non-existence or unbecoming. To desire for life is one, but to desire for unbecoming, not necessarily death, is again a jump away from reality.
One sees smoke from the other side of a hill. One can infer there is fire. One observes various events and can infer that certain forces are in fact operating in the world that we cannot directly perceive. Radiation is like that. You can see the effects, but can't directly perceive it.
Now, in my mind I've come to some conclusions about rebirth and unworldly beings. It isn't a religious belief, it is one based on observation, reasoning and conclusions. Indeed, many will disagree with me and cite illogical fallacies, but then I only accept the conventional aspect of the primacy of logic. I have my arguments for rebirth. Many like to just say, "Naw, there's nothing. You rot in the ground and that's it." That's a superstition in my mind. It usually doesn't have any experience to back it up for one thing. Nothingness is absurd. Nobody has ever experienced absolute nothingness because if they did it was relative.
Anyhow, in the Mahayana it is said that Bodhisattvas never end their careers. There is no ultimate vacation. Even after perfect enlightenment one seeks to be of benefit to all sentient beings. Hence they are said to manifest in the world.
I was thinking so, I can exist as a 'spiritual being' for my pet rabbit: performing acts of kindness etc, and that's it for the scope of spiritual beings. It just ends there, with me, and other pet owners. Extend this metaphor to whom or whatever. That doesnt make sense. If I can exist, but not fully known or understood to my pet rabbit then spiritual beings are highly likely to exist. How can I prove this? Because I am not omniscent. If I were, I could say for sure either way. There is much I dont know therefore the extension of me as spiritual being to spiritual beings looking after me is highly likely, if not, a surety.
This song:
Crazy how I can remember this after so long. :)
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