Feb 05, 2006 21:15
You know, its nice to see people happy. Everybody seems to be enjoying themselves (save the few in holes), and its always good to see people riding the ferris wheel up instead of bitching about how theyre at the bottom. I thought I'd make a post about it. I can't believe its February already. that shit flew by fast. Two months and two days until adulthood. Not quite sure why I just figured that out. My mom and my sister are coming into town over spring break. that shit's gonna be insane. I'm all kinds of excited for it. And if anybody still cares, I think I finally started to really get my shit together. Good friends, good family, good times. Got money, got cigarettes, new (cheap as hell) creepers, almost got my girl back, got my life where I want it to be. This is nice. Some good shows coming up. Getting a decent band together, gonna hopefully do some sick ska covers. I think I'm gonna stretch my ears again this coming week, we'll see how it goes.
Talent show tuesday night at seven. At Mt. View in the auditorium, as far as I know. Dan Brown, Mike Curry, (hopefully Emily and Kim will do vocals for us too) are all playing Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers. It should be pretty groovy.
and now, I've got something relevant to say.
I think its about time we started the revolution.
People sit around and do nothing with themselves entirely too much.
granted, there are the few who are taking their talents and doing something with them, but this shit has gotten out of hand. Where are our philosophers, our great thinkers, the true enlightened of our age? Sitting in bars or at home in a fight with some dumb spouse, wasting true power and talent?
right now. I'm calling the bluff. Society has pulled too much bullshit over our eyes and over the eyes of everyone around us. Media propaganda, lies and deciet, scandal and terror, loss and death. What happened to substance? What happened to Unity? What happened to brotherhood and creation? Where has the art gone? Where is the true music? Where are the windows to the soul that we had for so long, allowing us to make the great changes and leaps in life? What happened to the real world? Is it just that damn show on "music" television.....MTV? what the fuck is that anyways? have we resorted to mindless chatter and void filled with entertainment and gluttony?
I say we stand up. I say we let ourselves be heard and do something with this. We are turning into the fat, lazy, worthless Myspace and Media generation, and we're happy with who we are.
I'm not satisfied. I'm not going to rest until I am. I plan on leaving a pretty large fucking dent on this world, and if we work together at something real, we might actually do something worthwhile.
I'm not happy until they're not happy, and I say its about damn time we make something real.
I dont care what, I dont care how, I dont care why, but its gotta be soon.
so quit reading this nonsense like you actually care, and go do something worthwhile. Go sit and talk with your parents like you mean it. Go draw a picture. Go write a story or a song. Go make something you can be proud of, something that shows the world what youve got. Go develop something of your own, and put our name on it.
if this catches on, and enough of us actually do something about it instead of just sitting on our asses waiting for the apocalypse, we actually may do something right.