Politics: Canberra's Senators at work.

Aug 14, 2010 18:33

Quick links before I get to work on a comparison of party policies:

Kate Lundy in session:

Gary Humphries in session:

In sum up:

Being in govt, Kate's entries are mostly Dorothy Dixers and defending the govt's action regarding the home insulation scheme, chemotherapy, debt and border protection; however she also speaks on International Women's Day, Breast Cancer Month & White Ribbon Day; and speaks on a number of local events and places including the Transact Capitals, a display of historic maps in the National Library, the Pacific School Games, National Capital Exhibition Centre, and the Botanical Gardens.

Except when serving as deputy President (the Senate's Speaker), Gary's entries are mostly concerned with Asylum Seekers, cost of living pressures, hospitals (especially in Canberra), alcopops, the curfew at Canberra airport, and commemorating anniversaries of elections in new deomcracies.
He also responds to Kate's remarks on Canberra by lamblasting the cuts to services and public buuldings in Canberra (they seem to make a good one/two act, building on each other's words to lobby for Canberra), and called for more recognition for Australians who have served in PNG.
Humphries was the loudest supporter of the Death Penalty Abolition Bill 2009 and used the passage of this legislation to call on the Indonesian government to waive the application of the death penalty in the case of the Bali Nine.

Finally, Gary Humphries crossed the floor this term; he voted against overturning the ACT Assembly's gay marriage legislation (Kate Lundy did not).

politics, elections

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