Ceci n'est pas un journal

May 03, 2002 11:19

I don't keep a diary. I've tried a couple of times, to see whether there seemed any more point to it than I'd assumed, and it didn't work for me. And when I'm in the mood to write polemic or something that reads like an article, I already have an outlet for that kind of thing: a fanzine. On paper. The old-fashioned sort. So you might be wondering why the hell I'm here and what the point of this is for me, or indeed for you.

To quote someone who writes much better fanzine articles than I do, I'm just talking to my friends. And I'm probably going to be doing most of that through their LJs rather than here. If I do post here, I have no intention of using an icon to tell you what mood I'm in -- the idea is to make that clear using words -- and I can't personally see what relevance background music has either. We just don't talk about photographs of me. And I probably won't customise the way this looks. I am, as you probably suspected, No Fun At All.

This is all hawkida's fault. And all the other people who persuaded me to do this. You know who you are. (The last time I was flattered enough by being asked to join someone's gang that I agreed to do something I don't have time for, I ended up running a Worldcon. Think on that.)

If it works out, both parts of Fishlifter Enterprises may post here. But for now, this is Claire, signing off and going to work out how to format this text properly.
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