Has passed ten years after issue of my book “the Way to free economy” . In it the basic directions of postsocialist transformation for the first time have been formulated. In the given job I will try to estimate the former sights how to me it sees ten years later.
From the point of view of an index - the important criterion of success in the scientific world - “the Way to free economy”, certainly, was rather popular book (on it some hundreds links have been made). But in it recommendations of political character contained, therefore we will ask more serious question: my book has rendered what influence on a situation in the world? When I began the job, I would like though in small degree to influence on public opinion and process of acceptance of political decisions and, hence, finally - a course of events. I will try to avoid attempts of the self-justification in the maximum degree and to save the critical approach, but I am ready to prove some my former positions if they have sustained check by time.