Feb 07, 2012 17:25
Ok, not really, but I figured I wouldn't use it anymore. Seeing as I have no idea if any humans even read this I guess it will be a great place to gather some thoughts. I can't believe how many of my years I tended to journal and read others journalings. Yes, I made that word up. I can't believe how awesome it was, long before I was even on myspace or friendster (really? spelling squiggly line under myspace and friendster? This is the internet. How do these words still not get recognized?) to have a place to write about my life, and more importantly read about my cousins life so that in the hectic and chaotic lives we lived far apart we might not have to spend every moment of our phone calls catching each other up. Now in the times of social networking overload, your uncle's best friends brother knows the intimate details of your life and everyone is used to explaining every time they have an emotion in two sentences or less. I still am waiting for Facebook to catch on to the Mood: and Music: that can be attached to every post that I enjoyed so much here. Good old live journal. Another perk of LJ was the fact that words aren't lost and forgotten, they are saved. And Facebook only goes back so far on the walls of you and your friends and records very little to recall later. I enjoyed reading a year or two back on here to see what it was I was feeling then, or thinking then, or to remember things I needed to. So maybe I am back. Or maybe, I will write this post and not be back for another 3 years, hoping you will still be here to capture my words.