A wild update appears (and probably the last I will ever make on this journal)

Oct 31, 2012 17:09

Hello, hello. It's fairly obvious by now, but I have not been using this journal for a long time. This is merely the 'official' announcement. *shot* I am still active online, though not currently in any fandoms. (By that, I mean to say that I still enjoy reading/watching various things, but don't add to the fandom.) Not being a student = focusing on other kinds of productivity a.k.a. things I might actually be able to show to a prospective employer/client even years down the road.

Anyway, I can still be found online in various places. My contact post is still up to date if you, for some strange reason, miss me. If you want to get to me through LINE or whatsapp, by all means. I still blog about my life from time to time, because I don't think I've ever been able to stop blogging. PM me if you want the URL. It's no secret, but I'm trying to avoid having anything link back to this journal. If you find yourself unable to view the post, don't worry, I don't hate you. Some months ago (or was it a year?), I did a mass deletion/addback. Just PM me for contact info/let me know if you want to be added back (to view my old posts, which, to be honest, isn't much at all and contains loads of rambling and whining.)

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