Angry at the World - Chapter 23 Major Edit

Apr 14, 2009 12:32

Alright. If you haven't read chapter 23, you'd best skip right past this post. If you have read it, there is one scene that is all kinds of wrong that I've fixed. Because I don't want you to read through the entire thing again--unless you want to-- I've posted the new scene and the reasons for it under this handy-dandy cut.

Twice in chapter 23, Urahara says the word Vaizard twice without anyone so much as batting an eyelash. Problem is, no one knows what that is, or even knows about Ichigo's Hollow problem except, to a degree, Rukia. The scene in question is right before they leave to rescue Orihime from Hueco Mundo.


She waited for Uryuu in the Shoten basement. There had to be a reckoning, and it had to be tragically quick. The others filtered past her eyes unseen to where the gate to Hueco Mundo would open, until Quincy and Vaizard were alone.

“What are you?” Ishida asked without faltering. Her smile disappeared.

“Is that all you were worried about Ishida-san? Well I could have told you the answers!” Urahara answered brightly, arms suddenly around their shoulders, drawing them uncomfortably close together. “She can handle herself just fine, she-“ Danna slapped her hand over the shopkeeper’s mouth with irritation.

“This is a private conversation and I will be the one to tell that story,” she said forcefully. “Why do you have to come out of nowhere like that!?” Kisuke’s eyes sparkled dangerously before he gently removed her hand.

“I’m afraid there’s no time; I’ll need you both over at the gate immediately if you plan on attending,” he said sweetly. He pushed them both in the right direction until they began walking on their own. Urahara took quick hop steps ahead of them, and Danna shook her head.

“I don’t think I should trust that man,” Danna muttered with arms crossed as she watched him go.

“I can’t believe you ever did,” Ishida told her, one eyebrow raised.

“What? He’s a nice man…” She trailed off.

“He is the least trustworthy person I know,” Uryuu said in a flat tone.

The pair silently joined the waiting rescue party.

“…Danna?” Rukia took a step towards her just as the ground began to vibrate and a high-pitched whine filled the air. Small rocks began to dance and skitter. “That sound… is making me sick,” Rukia paled and put her hands over her mouth after feeling her stomach lurch. Renji reached out quickly to steady her.

The cacophony and violent movement increased until with one palpable boom the black gate to Hueco Mundo ripped into existence in front of them. Danna could feel the spirit power of another world brush against her face. Ichigo didn’t hesitate, and stepped in.

“Wait!” It was Urahara shouting. “WAIT!” But…don’t trust him. Right. Danna ran after her fellow Vaizard onto the spirit road, and it closed behind them.


“Why isn’t Soul Society involved in this!?” Ishida demanded.

“I thought that their absence was the condition of your involvement, Ishida-san--”

“Don’t patronize me! Are they even in Hueco Mundo!?”

“Yes,” Kisuke replied calmly.

“Why?” The Quincy persisted.

“It was a trap.”

“A trap. That you didn’t check for, didn’t sense until it was too late?” He hissed. “What plot is this?”

“The gate was screened for a certain kind of reiatsu” Ishida’s jaw clenched. His right hand toyed with the charm that would activate his bow. “I did detect it, however too late…” You-you foul strategist. You disgust me.

“What the hell does that mean?! What could Kurosaki and Danna possibly have in common?” It was a terrible feeling, being irrational. He felt it, acknowledged it, and was completely unable to change it. The worst part was that everyone else knew what was running through his head, and was responding accordingly. Distantly. Scared just because Ishida Uryuu was acting a bit different. He spun away from their gazes, Rukia, Renji, Urahara, Chad. Stop staring. You’re all just as worried. Why don’t you do something instead of looking at me?


correction, aatw

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