Feb 05, 2007 20:53
dear taxes,
i was really excited to do you, because i was sure i'd really get something back- at the very least just a few dollars and the amazing feeling of taking care of your shit before the last minute.
yeah, NO.
you have ruined my day, and now i am practicing some sort of "i am an adult, i roll with punches not fall for them" mantra that is REALLY NOT WORKING, and i am thinking i will come to your house and after a year of taking exhorbitant bits of your paychecks will actually tell you that i need another 33% of one month's income because all the rest really wasn't enough.
i am so upset about this that i did it not once, but TWICE, to make sure i didn't miss anything. and honestly i am going to do it again, because i heard there was a way i could do you for free AND talk to a real person, taxes, and you have driven me to actually find out what it is.
fuck you. you have given me the worst birthday present ever, and you are totally fired from life.
nancy b.