Jun 09, 2005 17:11
well, wednesday i went to tampa. it was a frigen 3 1/2 hour drive and it sucked. i went to see my grandma and when we got to her house we ate food. lol and then me and jamie went in the pool for a while. then we got out and took showers lol (not together) haha then we went to the graveyard to see my grandpa's grave. it was really creepy there cuz there was like millions of rows of gravestons EVERYWHERE. yeah so then we went home and i did nothing, nothing, and nothing. it was so boring. but i was really tired that nite so i went to bed around 11 something. yeah thats not that early but w/e. lol
today, i woke up around 10. ate breakfast. got my stuff ready to go. and we left at about 11. the begining of the ride was okay. then we hit a lot of traffic. my dad asked the police person what happened, and he said that there was an accident and someone died so we couldn't go anywhere. well, the guy let us back up and take the exit off. then we had to go backwards. and we lost like almost an hour of driving but w/e. it took us 5 hours to get home. omg have you ever sat in a fucking car for 5 hours??? if you havn't, DON'T! its seriously the most boringest thing in the world, well, next to sitting in your house all day. but thats it. so we got to my dads house around 4 and my mom came and picked me and jamie up and took us home. YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tomorrow i mite go to allisons and spend the nite. i really want to. lol and breanna, its not that i didn't want to hang out with you this weekend, its just that i really wanted to go to allison. lol that makes no sense at all but i still love you bunches babe!!!!!!!!! <333 well i'm still grounded till tomorrow. it sucks. i'm still on my period. thats one reason why i don't want to go somewhere far from my house, like spend the nite somewhere. its only the 3rd day of it this month and it feels like its been the whole month!! haha well not really but you get it. kk well i'm really bored and i can't do shit. so ima leave now.