(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 12:24

LJ Interests meme results

  1. ballet:
    ..for 14 years
  2. betsy jhonson:
    a really interesting designer, but i dont love her that much any more. o well
  3. cancun:
    awsome spring break. totally crazy and also where i met the boy i love (really random)
  4. clinique:
    my mom got me hooked
  5. cowboys:
    i want one
  6. eagle lake:
    my favorite place in the world. i love the dirt roads and the way it the air smells. its where i did the most growing up and met people that will always be with me. and of course it was my grandpas favorite place so i feel close to him there.
  7. guby:
    she fuck'n rules. aand i bet she didnt know she was on my likes list = )
  8. ketchup and pasta:
    dont knock it till you try it
  9. my cat:
    shes cool, but mostly mean.
  10. my room mates:
    mostly just jenn. we met August 26, 2001 and have been butt buddies ever since. we've been though every thing together in the past 4 years and i dont think college wouldnve been the same w/o her

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