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Jan 07, 2005 23:06

Sooo im in London people... i got here the 3rd. the flight itself wasnt so bad but the time difference killed me. we left 6:30pm from jersey and got here at around 2am but in london time it was 7am and every one was just starting their days. they say to stay up as late as possible so your body isnt fucked up for the next couple of days. i think i made it till 8:30pm...

so im taking a class here, british media. and the teacher is really interesting and incorporats english history into why the media is the way it is. every one thinks its boring but i think its cool. i never realized that every thing we have in america is becuz of britian. most of our town names we took from here. its a bug out to hear theres a town called middlesex (and that came from middle sechue which meant blood shed in old irish, bet u didnt know that), and theres an island names Jersey, hence New jersey. and towns like camden, brunswick, berrlington and others that we have here. and over here they have pence and we have cents, and the only reason we have a red,white and blue flag is cuz those are the colors in the british flag, and we did it to be spitful. little things that i think are funny.

the second day i was here we went to camden city where are the british like punk rockers and goths and wack jobs hang out. with cool store that sell crazy goth clothes and the boots w/ the 7in platforms and metal spikes sticking out of them, whatevr. oh, and they sell shrooms there. and i found out today its legal cuz they arent dryed, u have to do that on ur on to make the magic happen apparently. anyway..

i went on the london eye wich is a ferris wheel that goes like 2miles in the air and the boths are inclosed rooms and the view is of all of london, its crazy.

today i went to the Tate museum. it was cool, kinda interesting. its like the museum of modern art in ny. i like looking at that stuff, but some things are so stupid. the one peice of art i hated the most was a plain canvas w/ no paint or anything on it but just w/ a slash threw it, like just some one cut the paper. and the explanation of the art was the it was a battle between evil and nothingness and how the cut represents nothingness into space. can u believe that crap? i cant do that too and every one would thing im retarded.

tommorow the whole group is taking a trip to Warwick castle and Stratford. the castle is suppose to be really beautiful and stratford is a town where shakepear was born adn lived and wrote all his novels. i guess itll be interesting. the teacher said it was more like the country side and away from cities so ppl that live there are prolly reallly english. itll be cool.

ooo and the best thing so far ---- Im going to PARIS!!! eurpoe is insane cuz every thing is here, its a 3hr train ride to paris from here for the amount as a plane ticket to florida. i cant wait to see the eiffel tower and the mona lisa and sit in a cafe and eat french pastries. ok thats it for now, ill write more excitment as it happens.

Bon Voyage bitches
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