Well... new life.
New girlfriend:
shadygroves moved up from Florida late last summer. I am madly fond of her, and she puts up with me, which is more than I could reasonably expect. We spent a few happy months living with my sister in Woodstock, VT, until
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So I am disappointed! I read: "New character" and assumed you were in a new RPG, but alas, still warcrack.
So doing any other new gaming? (board, card, etc?)
Haven't really been gaming much, sadly. I did find all (well, most of) my old cards, including the Decks O' Doom. Maybe some day.
All of my gaming of late has been board gaming. Fun, but I wish I had a rpg group. Lack of time, really.
You still have all of your old cards? I'm impressed!
He is already planning which games to teach my twins, or at the very least my son.
It's a great game, though, and I highly recommend it to practically everyone.
At any rate, I'm looking forward to corrupting a new generation of youth... err.. that is, introducing them to the wonderful wide world of stupid board games. RPGs are probably beyond us at this point, but I've found Triplanetary, Titan, RoboRally, Ogre/GEV, and a few other oldies but goodies. No telling yet whether or not I'll successfully corrupt them, but I certainly intend to try.
Roborally certainly good to addict people.
Of late, of course, I've not done *any* roborally. Can't convince people that it's worth the setup.
It's hardly ASL, folks.
Colossus would be a good idea, but we're short on computers. Only have two machines currently wired up, so.
At any rate, we started painting miniatures last night. Good times, good times.
In other news, I actually won a game of RoboRally the other night. Fish is still shaking his head at that one. *grins* <3 you!
Wish the weekend would get here so I could get out to get more brushes and paints.
Wish the miniatures would be done, so we could play again. Guess the week is too busy. Movie night tonight and tomorrow is trap shooting.
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