No Wanderin' Off by shrak commentary by fishface44
I first discovered jlrpuck as Shrak on Teaspoon. Following her The Way of Things on Teaspoon helped lead me to LJ in the first place! I don’t know how jlrpuck and Shrak became alter-egos, but I do know that Shrak has a wikipedia page!
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Also that the SHRAK game page has this very appropriate statement on it: “that SHRAK's wild new monsters and baddies are lurking at every turn as you work your way through some of the toughest levels ever created”…
Summary: Rose gets a lesson in Rule Number One
Rating: All Ages
Categories: Ninth Doctor [This is unusual for shrak/jlrpuck, who tends to sell herself short about her Nine-writing ability. As will be seen, she is mistaken about this]
Characters: Rose Tyler, The Doctor (9th)
Genres: General, Humor
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Published: 2008.05.29
Updated: 2008.05.29
No Wanderin' Off by shrak
Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Author's Notes: Written for the Torchwood/Doctor Who Happy Prompts ficathon.
Rose leaned against the back of the battered captains chair, stretching her legs out to see if her toes could reach the console. The Doctor was leaning against said console, jean-clad hip cocked just so, leather-clad arms folded over his chest. They’d just returned from Justicia, and she was being lectured for what had to be the thousandth time on the rules of TARDIS travel, obediently repeating “Don’t wander off” after each discussion of what could go wrong on a planet. [A sort of TARDIS catechism! I think what it really shows us is that Nine does not want Rose very far away from him at any time!]
“Or you could be zapped by-”
“Zapped? That a technical term, then?” [With Nine, Rose is always looking for a bit more Spock]
“Zapped,” he continued, giving her a stern glare, “by qwingurghior progn’rstus. Phwap!” [Because you really never know with jlrpuck, I actually Googled this alien name. I found it too: the only reference is to this fic!] He unfolded his arms, using his hands for emphasis. “Gone. Just like that.”
Rose blinked. What had he just said?
“Death ray, Rose,” the Doctor offered, drily. [Nine really is wildly funny!]
“So…you’re sayin’ you’re takin’ me somewhere I could get zapped-phwap!-just like that?”
“Universe is a big place-and lots of places don’t like humanoids.”
“How’d you avoid gettin’ zapped, then?”
“Clever, me.” The Doctor grinned smugly, folding his arms back over his chest. [Nine is being completely adorable here]
Rose rolled her eyes.
“You disagreein’?” The Doctor’s tone was serious, although his expression showed he was just taking the piss. [This is an example of how Urban Dictionary helps me when I read fanfic. I am not British, and although I can tell from context that taking the piss meant making fun of in some way, I did not really understand it. Here is the definition: “To make someone who's trying to seem important less important. Derives from the piss-boner men wake up with in the morning, it's a fake boner. If you took the piss away, there would be no boner. Do you see?
That's the original meaning, however taking the piss now means just giving someone a ribbing and in the most part not meaning to be malicious.”]
“No, no-I’d never disagree with the clever designated driver.” Rose grinned at him, teasing. She still couldn’t figure him out, this man/alien in front of her, who appeared to have not a care in the world one moment, but who looked so sad, so crushed, at other times. They’re all gone, he’d said of his people, after that first disastrous trip to Platform One; how did he cope?
“What? Sorry.” She blinked, catching the Doctor’s piercing blue gaze.
“I asked if you wanted to go on an adventure. You might need a kip instead, though.” She could practically hear him say, Silly ape.
“No! Jus’ thinkin’, was all. Where’re we gonna go?”
He took her to the tenth moon of Granti’a’a; [Once again, this story is the only Google result!] Rose, determined to show that she’d paid attention to his strictures, did no wandering off.
Well, that had been the plan, at least. No wandering off…except when the Doctor got himself imprisoned, and Rose had to do some clever bartering with the locals to get her hands on his confiscated clothes. [I do wonder exactly what she could have used for this bartering?] Once she had the sonic screwdriver, it was easy-peasy; [The Urban Dictionary says about “easy-peasy”: It comes from a 1970's british TV commercial for Lemon Squeezy detergent. They were with a little girl who points out dirty greasy dishes to an adult (mom or relative) and then this adult produces Lemon Squeezy and they clean the dishes quickly. At the end of the commercial the girl says "Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy". And Urban Dictionary will even sell you a mug with this definition on it! See: fanfic is Very Educational] the Doctor had shown her how to use some of the basic settings-mostly involving picking locks-a few weeks earlier, and she was able to charm her way past those obstacles the sonic screwdriver wouldn’t have worked on.
The Doctor was less than pleased to see her; she chalked it up to him being naked. [Insert appropriate CE mental picture here] Not that she was looking, oh no. [Imagine if Cassandra had taken over Rose at Platform One? Things might have gone Very Differently after that.] Well, no more than curiosity demanded. He was an attractive bloke, after all.
“Clothes, Rose.” The Doctor snatched them from her hand, strategically placing the bundle of cotton over his hips whilst glaring at her. [This really is a delightful scene!]
She blushed and turned away, admiring the craftsmanship of the cell. “Nice walls,” she offered, breaking the awkward silence. She leaned forward, gazing at a particular spot where someone had tried to work through the plaster. “That your doin’ then?” She glanced over her shoulder. [Rose is obviously much better behaved than all of us.]
“No looking!” The Doctor had his pants on-briefs, she noted-and was hopping about trying to pull his jeans on.
Rose stifled her giggle, returning her gaze to the boring white wall. [Not really foreshadowing with the white wall, but it does make you think,]
She heard the slide of his zip, noted the hush of fabric being drawn over his head, or up his arms, and fought down a sigh of impatience.
“We are tryin’ to make a jailbreak, you know,” she offered by way of encouragement.
“Thanks, I didn’t know.” The Doctor walked over to her, looking as he ever did. “What say we bust out of this joint?”
He grinned, taking her hand, preparing to lead the way; she stood on the spot, catching his eye when he turned back, questioning. “I, ah, should probably go first. Know my way outta here, after all.”
The Doctor’s grin fell, and he gestured for her to precede him.
They made their way out of the jail-Rose’s charm and the sonic screwdriver once again working in tandem to ease their exit, while the Doctor remained sullenly silent. If Rose didn’t know better, she’d think he was sulking; she fought back a giggle as she remembered the Doctor saying, truculently, not a week earlier. After which point, he’d gone back to sucking the skin on the side of his hand, his gaze sullen.
So Rose refrained from pointing out that the Doctor was sulking as they walked back to the TARDIS, instead observing that they seemed not to have been missed.
The Doctor grunted in response.
Definitely sulking, then.
And when they made it back into the confines of the ship-home, now-Rose fought to refrain from pointing out that it was she who’d saved the Doctor. Right up until he opened his mouth.
“What’d I tell you?” The Doctor paused as he reached the console.
“What?” Rose blinked, stopping next to him.
“No wanderin’ off! That’s what I told you.”
“No…no…” Rose stuttered, briefly speechless before her upbringing took over. “I didn’t wander off-leastaways, not until you got yourself tossed in the clink!”
The Doctor’s mouth opened, then shut. He crossed his arms. [He knows he can’t defend his position. This is such accurate Nine body language!]
“And then, was my wanderin’ off that got you your bloody clothes, and got you out of there!”
The Doctor opened his mouth again; shut it again-and then spoke. “Well don’t go makin’ a habit of it.”
“That’s it?”
“What else would there be?”
The smug git. “I just saved your arse!”
“What, you expected me to jump with joy?”
Rose ducked her head, embarrassed. She kind of had, actually.
“Here’s me, jumping for joy.” The Doctor gave a pathetic little hop, before raising his hands to near his ears and wiggling them. [Can I just say here that I find this completely adorable?]
Rose giggled, and was rewarded with an indulgently muttered, “Humans,” followed by a roll of the eyes.
The Doctor moved about the console, setting the coordinates for their next journey, effortlessly flipping levers and spinning dials, moving around Rose with ease. As he threw the lever to set them in motion, he turned to her. Pointing his index finger, his blue eyes twinkling, he said, “And don’t go tellin’ anyone I did that. I have a reputation to maintain.” [I can’t help wondering exactly who it is she should not tell. Jackie? Mickey? The Face of Boe?]
“The naked-in-jail-bein’-saved-by-me, or the jumping for joy?” Rose grinned impishly.
The Doctor actually blushed. “Both.”
Rose bumped his shoulder. “Your secret’s safe with me.” [Awww. Jack is right. These two are so sweet!]
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.This story archived at