Gonna go run over a bitch with my shiny blue walker

Dec 13, 2012 16:26

So. I can't leave the house so they arranged for a home health nurse and therapist to come out. After being bounced between three different agencies, the following finally occurred today when one was able to come. This is an excerpt from an email with my mom.

She (Julie the very nice program admitting nurse) is just leaving. It isn't for PT yet, it's for INR checks for the next two weeks and then I need to do it at a lab. The paperwork from the hospital is wrong, they gave me the wrong coumadin instructions when I left, and she said that I need to go in and get the bandage changed before the weekend because I probably have a fungal infection from the looks of it.

I think I'm better off having that looked at at the ER(since I have no way to get there tomorrow morning). The surgeons office ONLY sees people in the morning. (Not UNUSUAL but it would have been nice to know or have them set up a followup or give me a number, and tell me about aftercare).

I see why people on facebook (friends from high school who are nurses/nursing students) were saying all those things about Hospital. They didn't even have the correct pain meds listed and the office didn't even know I was taking lortab and not percocet and knew nothing about PT or when I needed to take the bandage off (or who was supposed to monitor my coumadin for that matter. They didn't even give me an order for it, so Julie the nurse had to call them to find out what the fuck they were doing) I'm about to cry.

She was very nice though! I feel so bad for this agency getting this stuff passed to them like this.

gonna shoot a bitch

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