Years later, here I am still fighting the impossible fight. The major players change. My HEROES stay the same and I still look to Camelot for strength, for guidance and for home, but the world is suddenly so much bigger, and the men I fight with, and for are bigger too, encompassing more than just the narrow lines of knighthood and the chivalry, leading to cities I could scarce imagine just three years ago.
Star City, with its suspension bridge, its layout a reversed Chicago, a New York I have never been to and will never get to, the backseat of a '67 Impala, Victorian London, the halls and rainbow bridge of Asgard, Kirkwall, glorious and damaged Kirkwall where everything matters so much.
My first home in the Vallenwoods, Krynn still is there and represented, and Hogwarts, where I escaped the pressures of High School, and Middle Earth, and always Camelot, and the Islands which call me theirs, where the red haired princess laughs as she leads her men to battle and her fathers flinch, but are approving of her blood spear. All those remain of course but these new places as well.
How far I've come. How far I have to go...
How much things change. How much they've stayed the same.