The saga of Sar's Lovebug

Apr 23, 2010 12:33

Okay so. Here goes. We all know about Lovebug now and how Sar has been on and off about getting him due to issues so...let's go with a day by day format.


Sar is told that she can't have a loan for Lovebug and needs cosigners. Jabba graciously volunteers though Sar's Mom's has too many of the bills in her name to do it. Sar also finds out that the credit union loan will need a coborrower and Jabba volunteers again, gaining major points in Sar's eyes. Jabba and Sar are turned down at both places. Sar applies with lending tree and a last resort car credit place.


Sar's dealer, TJ calls and says Ford worked something out for Sar to get car on her own if Sar can come up with an extra five hundred bucks for downpayment. Sar's mom agrees to loan it to her. The Death Star is sold to a very adorable boy who loves animals and who Sar hopes will come around again as he's single and very sweet and even liked the Millennium Falcon bumper sticker on the Death Star. In other words, he's about perfect for Sar if she wasn't, you know, an ugly geek but rather was a cuter one. All is well.


So far so good. Sar studies all day for permit test so that she can take road test this weekend. Goes to get permit and finds out that they don't issue tests past six and it is about six fifteen at this point. Sar's permit JUST expired so the nice lady says she doesn't need the test. Meaner lady demands Sar's numbers and permit which has gone missing. Sar is lacking permit but has ID number so they find it and lady becomes nicer. Sar goes home excited, even though adorable boy hasn't come around yet to pick up car because of his insurance. Sar's Mom valiantly adds Sar's car to insurance policy and phones and emails all day to get info from Sar and TJ about the car. Sar has truly horrible paper at work but otherwise an okay day.


Sar's Mom has taken off work so they can go and get car. Sar and her mom get to dealer and realize they need the plate to do switching off. Sar's Mom drives home to get plate which won't come off, even with help of neighbor and Jabba's offers to help from in bed. Meanwhile, Sar is told she needs to show more proof of income while TJ lets her borrow his computer to print bank statements. They are printed and turned in. Waiting ensues. TJ eventually returns, saying that the company turned Sar down because her income isn't enough, due to those months the company didn't schedule anyone when breaks were happening. Well, fuck.

Sar's Mom returns at this moment and is told the bad news in person. She is also asked to be a cosigner. Knowing it will fail, she and Sar agree and wait around about an hour then decide, hey, we have cells, they can call when they know something, and go to breakfast. After THIS, TJ calls and Sar's Mom is actually approved to cosign, provided that Sar comes up with another four hundred dollars as a downpayment and Sar's mom brings over checkstubs from her jobs. They go to Sar's Mom's work to find them. Sar does quick math and tells them she can come up with two hundred more. Sar figures out a way to get the money without harassing Sar's Mom for more of it and goes to withdraw it from credit card. Sar and Sar's Mom return to dealership and find out that this is okay. So far so good. They are then told that Sar can't actually take the car home until she has a license even though Sar's Mom will be on the lease too, contrary to what Sar was told on Tuesday.

Luckily Sar's Test is scheduled for Saturday morning. Badly, she won't be able to take it in Lovebug. So after this mess, Sar and Sar's Mom go to the location of the road test so Sar can practice. Along the way, we're are called again and told that Sar's Mom needs to bring the latest paystub from her second job. A stub she shredded last week. Driving practice ensues and Sar is scared half to death on the MAJOR freeway, even though the normal one goes very well. Sar drives all the way home and then practices backing out of the driveway with Jabba who panics at everything. All seems well enough so far and Sar is even able to transfer a hundred bucks out of paypal to pay back Sar's Mom a little. Now she owes her four hundred.


All Hell breaks loose once again. The check stub can't be faxed to Sar's Mom or replaced and the dealer is insistent that they need the latest one. It may or may not be coming tomorrow. Sar's Mom also finds out that only one secretary of state is open tomorrow and its far away but they can still make it before going to stupid First Communion rigmorale for second cousin. Dealer is open until four at least and SOS until two. Sar also finds out that teacher is pretty easy and doesn't test parallel parking. So far so good. Sar's Mom calls back and Sar remembers a check that she just mailed out so Sar's Mom has to lend her more money in her account. Fuck. No one is sure what is going on with the car and everyone is sick of this mess at this point.

I only wonder what tomorrow's going to bring.

To be updated as more events occur.

wtf, car

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