That? Was worth sticking DivX onto Jamie.
First of all lets see. I loved Merlin's uniform and Arthur's red coat. And oh, the food fight line. Now I want to write THAT fic. The Camelot Food Fight...Someone write it for me?
Next? How stupid do these people have to be to not recognize Nimueh when she's not that significantly different? If she'd gone blonde or something in some case I could see it but...
HEE Carrying Merlin! Awesome!
Oh Arthur. Arthur Arthur. Never TELL your parents things like that. Just go out and do them.
Morgana? Never change dear. You rocked! inner slasher was incredibly pleased by all the whispering Arthur's name.
Adventure quest? NICE. I love that even though Merlin was, you know, dying, he helped and it really was a joint victory.
Oh Arthur. Arthur. Arthur. You poor thing. King Giles?..well, I'm a little disappointed that they took him THERE this week, though I suppose this point of tension WAS bound to rise at one point or another. The flower crushing bit? I about cried. After all that... Say it with me people, AWWW.
Hehehe. Tricksy Arthur. It's nice to see that nothing's going to get him down. I LOVED his little spoiled royal act and how no one seemed remotely surprised by it.
Hehehe. FAKE OUT. Was that one of the guards in Nottingham Castle? I swear he seems familiar.
Gaius? Magic? That WINS. I never thought we'd see him actually DOING it, you know?
So what DID Nimueh do?
anachronisma suspects it has to do with the death of Arthur's mother and now after witnessing that little conversation and how reluctant Uther was to tell Arthur the details...I'm inclined to agree with her.
Aww end scene! Cute!
Next Week!!! The week I have been waiting for all this time! LANCELOT LANCELOT GLORIOUS LANCELOT. It seems they're taking a semi First Knight approach with him this time around, but in a, you know, less crappy and unrealistic version. Lancelot being all awesome with a sword, Lancelot being KNIGHTED. Gwen clinging to Lancelot know, I'm starting to wonder if those two are related in some way. Exhibit A: The hair is down in front of a man, B. He's in a kind of undershirt thing in front of a woman. Unless they've been secretly carrying on for a while now...well I have my conclusions. AND I CANNOT WAIT!
Massive Awesome This Week. Even though I miss the dragon...