Long, long week

Feb 19, 2005 02:18

I decided that my entries have been sub-par of late, and blame this on my incredibly unexciting life. While the last week must have been at least 30 or 40 hours longer than normal, nothing really occurred anyway. And while not entirely crappy, the week was certainly not good, either. I need something to happen.

Chaos! I might not go to France after all. Reason: application not submitted in a timely manner. Also: should probably spend summer working lots anyway. Still, the possibility of not going is rather depressing. I was quite looking forward to it. More on this when I know something.

Last night I avoided large quantities ("multitudes") of homeworks until 1:00 am, at which time I watched all four hours of Return of the King extended-like. Bed at 5 am with 0% homework completion. On the bright side: I got up earlyish and managed to accomplish/turn in all of it. It shall be the beginning of a new era! I shall call it, "Andrew Puts Forth a Healthy Effort to Rescue His Plunging Grades". This will be a time identified by lack of fun and/or sleep. Stupid college.

Tonight went to Cafe Diem with Scott Ian Stennie Adriana in car of the second. Candyland was surprisingly unfun due to disheartening simplicity and Tribond had too many rules, but Taboo was good. I guess the chai there is tasty, though I went for a scone and iced tea. Not a bad excursion. Watched History of the World Part I and enjoyed much of it. Spanish Inquisition = awexome.

New feature!
-FORBIDDEN TRYST REPORT- Stage 1: Brainstorming. A large portion of orange juice must be consumed to maintain the brainstorm at its maximum capacity. Ummm.
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