Drama Renamed: I am not alone

Feb 28, 2007 17:59

Anyone who has known me for any period of time knows (or should know) a few basic things about me.
1) I love change. In fact I thrive on it. I NEED it. If something stays the same for too long I have a tendency to make it change (even if it's a negative change). Proabably why I can't stand the thought of most careers. Doing the same thing everyday... blah. I would rather be miserable than content. Content is boring. Ecstatic is great, but difficult to maintain. Which leads us to...
2) I crave ups and downs in life. Again, I can't handle the straight line of mundane comfort. I have created drama in my life (or others) merely because I need it and I can. That's not to say I make stuff up in order to cause the drama. I don't lie about things, I merely bring the truth to the foreground where it can be seen/examined/explored. It's like a fun activity for me.

So I was completely thrilled to read the interview with Christian Bale in this month's GQ. He names the things I've known about myself but didn't know other people felt or had terms for. :)
1) Maintenance. Those times in your life where you're busy and doing things, but nothing that is at all memorable. Just mundane life. Maintenance. Boring.
2) Turbulence Addict. Needing the massive highs and lows of life. Bringing it on yourself because knowing exactly what is going to happen/stability is boring.

I know, alot of people would think this is unhealthy, but it's me. And it's to be expected. It's not specific to other people and anyone thinking they were the cause of any of this behaviour in me is just being egotistical. I'm guessing that this type of behaviour is not unusual in many actors, that's probably why we act. You get to emmerse yourself into the intense emotions of another character (and since plays tend to be about the height of turbulence in a character's life and not about the mundane daily chores, it's the ideal outlet).

What sucks is when you're not acting in something. No outlet but your own life, which can be hazzardous to the people around you. But if they've know you for awhile, it shouldn't be unexpected. I think Mic has reached a point where he participates because he knows I need it but he doesn't take any argument too seriously because most of the time I'm arguing just for the turbulence.

insight into me

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