Jachary Quinto, the incredible parody account of
Zachary Quinto, hipster extraordinaire, has both outed himself (as two brilliant girls from fandom), and said he (er, they) didn't have time to continue. D: This is a tragic thing. Jachary's tweets were sometimes the only thing that made ZQ's tweets bearable. THE WORLD WEEPS.
2. I decided against a big ranty post about that Gawker article on why straight women are "obsessed" with gay sex. Instead, I'm planning out a calm, intellectual, well-researched...essay, practically, on why these sorts of articles (which I've seen over and over in my decade in fandom) keep coming out, and why they're all completely wrong. So far, I know I'm going to be looking at Henry Jenkins' books Textual Poachers and Convergence Culture, as well as OTW's academic journal
Transformative Works and Cultures. There aren't that many of you who have me friended here, but if you can think of anywhere I should look, or anyone in (any) fandom that I should be talking to, please let me know!
3. Sherlock is amazing. I have now watched the first episode five times, the second one twice, the third one twice, and the last scene of the third one probably...six or seven times. The fandom is great, I just wish it was bigger! If I could take all the intensity/output of Inception fandom and give even a quarter of that to Sherlock, O WHAT A HAPPY DAY T'WOULD BE.
4. The last fic I wrote was in House fandom. It was posted on March 11, 2007. That's over three years since I've written anything for fandom. I've outlined plenty since, but never got past the first paragraph before getting disgusted with my total lack of talent and throwing the whole thing out. I currently have an idea for a Sherlock fic I'm really excited about, and for some reason I feel more confident about it than I have about any other idea in years. It might be really long, and I hope I won't get overwhelmed and stop, but because there's going to be a good amount of plot and world building, I also hope that I won't hit a block where I don't know what happens next? We'll see. :/