It is such a good thing a certain sister doesn't read this.

Mar 25, 2006 09:56

Okay So when I was sick just a jamming in the basement watching Fantasia, my sister comes home from school and is all, "Your in Ice Follies"

and for those of you who don't know, Ice Follies is an ice show that happens every year and I had never gone before or anything but years past my sister would light for it and she would tell me how it was really cold, and the routines aren't very good, and its boring and it just sucks in general, so after hearing all this you can guess what my reaction was: WHAT! what? what? Why????

Now it would be one thing if she had asked but no, it was a You ARE in Ice Follies. *headdesk* Now this formed a problem later because on the one rehearsal day I had a zoo meeting I had to go to at the same time, and they decided to stick me in the "booth" so we had to figure out what to do for that and in the end we got another person and put two people in the booth.

So yesterday was the first of two shows, and I wasn't in the best of moods because I had never seen this show and had just go from my booth buddies notes and my sister was being stupid.

In fact let me explain yesterday: So I volunteered to help outline the stage for Animal Farm because I could so I had that right after school and it went till about 4:30 and the Ice show wasn't until 7:05 which ment we would want to be there around 6:00 but I had heard my sister was gonna be there around 5:00 because she is nuts like that. So I figured I would go to the Arena (which is right next to the school so I just had to walk a bit) and do my math homework. Now since I had heard it was really cold in the "booth" I wanted a blanket so I called up my sister and said "hey can you bring me my blue fuzzy horse blanket" 
Sister: I could but the question is do I want to? 
Me: You mad at me or something? 
Sister:  Noooo I love you.
Me: Well what did I do? 
Sister: Well if you don't know I won't tell you. 
Me *silent scream of rage* Well if I don't know I can't fix it and I might do it again. 
Sister: oh I don't think you will because until you shape up I 'm not giving you a ride. 
Me: What did I do? 
Sister: Does pissing me off while in the car give you a hint? 
Me: No it doesn't. 
Me: Well how am I supposed to get here? 
Sister: Your already there now. 
Me: I mean tommorow oh wait you don't care. *very frustrated* 
(some more dialogue was here but I don't quite remember it) 
Sister: I don't want to talk to you anymore *hang up* 
Me: *another silent scream of rage*

So that's my sister for you. I still don't know what she is mad about. After calling here I sat on a bench and talked to myself trying to remember and couldn't think of anything.

So later everyone  else arrives my other booth buddy who took notes said she would do it today and I could do it tomorrow. So I hadn't been home yet so I was kinda hungry and the booth was cold, and my sister was being stupid, and it was really boring. 
So for the first half I was rather miserable because I wasn't really needed and just wanted to go home. Second half was better because I learned all I would have to do for the show was move a slider up and dow, and I talked to my booth buddy and was able to rant about my sister. 
Plus I had a blanket and sister wasn't ignoring me or anything.

So I got through the show it was really dull, and after that everyone was going ice skating. Which I was worried about because my ice skating skills are teh nil.  But my sister was all you have to go so I was like fine. So I went ice skating which at first a was all: "Wall I love you we shall never part. But later I stayed away from the wall and speeded around the middle. It was fun except the ice skates were all "Death Grip on your 
footsies Mwah hahahahahaha and I was all like ouch. So my feet hurt after that. Then I was done before my sister who apparently was giving    
 me a ride but I had to wait for her and I was tired, feet hurt, hungry so I really wanted to go home, Which we finally did and sister was all no talking  which kinda bugged me. So we got home and I saw this piece of paper on the counter and was all ohhh paper.

So I picked up the paper and noticed it mentioned Danceworks which I needed to know about because I had another zoo meeting on a possible rehearsal day. But my sister was all grrr no touching and I was all like but I need to know about Danceworks cause of a meeting and she was all its for DANCERS and I was like still. So she was all I'll never leave my mail out again. So I was kinda annoyed by that  so I fixed up some food and skipped off to bed, where I had a nice debate with Dirk of how my sister needs better communication skills.

So thats my day. and I really wish my sister asks before throwing me into this Ice Show, and now I have ranted enough. Banana Bread will make me feel better. I need to go read a book now.

May you all be free from crazy sisters.     

family, tech

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