Mar 23, 2012 11:22
Dear Livejournal,
Today I uttered a sentence I never thought I would while working on my homework: "I need to find pictures of poo."
Then while my inner seven year old laughed hysterically my inner biologist replied "No, you need pictures of scat. Gods, be more scientific." My inner lazy college student quickly went to Google and found the pictures of amur tiger scat are hard to find.
It's like this Livejournal, I am working on my Senior Proposal Project, the grand high thing I need to finish to graduate the land of college and finally be free of homework and all the things that drive me mad here. I really have no intention to ever actually do this research but that is not the point. I found something that interests me and I am writing a proposal about it and making a presentation on it because that is what I must do to graduate.
The topic is Predator Dynamics in the Russian Far East, which sounds grand and sweeping and like I will be frolicking around Russia wrestling with brown bears, tagging tigers (and brushing their teeth) and sighting the rare Amur leopard. This is not what would happen. I would wander around a nature preserve looking at scat. That's right I am proposing to go to Russia to analyze tiger poop. (and leopard poop and bear poop) Seriously I am proposing to do this, willingly, please give me money so I can do this. That is what biologists do you see.
Anywho every so often I just have to stop, take a step back and go "Gods, Kes do you realize what you are proposing to do?" and then laugh hysterically. Heck, I want to be a zookeeper, if I my dream job it will be all the poo all the time. As with the proposal it is important and as great implications and is helpful and needed and all that.
I just back and wonder sometimes when did my life get so full of crap?
kes musings