The Return

Apr 28, 2010 19:48

Starting this up again to get my sentence-forming-brain-organ-thing exercised.... Fuck......

I know I haven't blogged in a while. I'm not going to apologise to the three people who'll read this, you know I'm not the apologising type. I'm a different person to who I was 3 years ago, and I hope to keep changing. That's not 'evolving' (pokemon ruined that concept by using it incorrectly), it's metamorphosis.

Maybe I'm a worse person (people will say so, people DO say so), but in my ever-humble opinion, it is worse to be dishonest to yourself and to others. I try to be neither.
This has proved to be too much for some. You know who you are. All other things are subjective views of my moral decisions. And if you thought what you stopped talking to me for was bad, you should hear the other shit I've been up to...

From now on I'm going to post an ecclectic mix of things on here. It'll be 'life-updates' (don't expect me to talk about my work-week, it's not very blog-worthy), and 'creative' updates (I've been trying to write a book amidst several short stories for about a year and half now), and sex updates. Now, these may or may not be fiction, non-fiction, or even a mixture of both. I simply refuse to say which is which, since keeping you sick, drooling bastards randy and guessing is just that much more entertaining.

I'm sure you're looking forward to it all.
I can hear your breathing growing heavy and hands sliding over pants-fabric already....

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