Hello stranger

Mar 09, 2006 15:11

Yeah, it's been a while since my last post. Yeah, any number of things happened between then and now that are worth reporting. However it is hard to report when you really have nothing to say. In the attempts of remaining current, I'll provide the following recap.

Since my last post was about how the American team was sucking stone on the sheets, it seems only fitting that I watched with bemused surprise as they went on to carry a bronze medal performance. It was also very gratifying to get a chance to watch some of the other teams play as well as they wound down into the finals.

Shortly after the Olympics came to a close, the NHL when back into full swing to wind up their season. Our home team had been on the hunt for a playoff slot just prior to the hiatus. Then they lost two straight in dismal display of folly and total lack of stamina. This is doubly odd considering the fact that of the many Wild who went on to play for their respective teams for the Olympic games, three of them came back with medals. Anyway, they aren't out of it yet so it should make the game that Squid and I have tickets to on the 21st all the more interesting.

There's only been one major tournament since my last post. It was the Chicago Open, part of the Heartland Circuit of events. Usually travel to Chicago requires a day off or an early leave to drive out the seven hours and stay the night. Then fencing and then the seven hour drive back that leaves me in a state that usually requires a day off to recooperate. This time we managed to find flights that might work and did the whole thing in one day.

Granted it was a very early start in the morning to get down to the airport in time and then get to the venue before close of registration. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that I couldn't fence my way out of a wet paper bag that day. Details of the event are sketchy due to adequate mental repression on my part. Needless to say, I wasn't stabbing on all points that day. Better luck next time.

In recent days, I've had a little more quality time with my computer at home. Along with my contining deep sea dives into turn-based strategies games like Civ IV and Galactic Civ II, I've also rekindled my love for space sims by downloading a community coded version of Privateer. On top of which, I've also been spending a little more time on Midnight Ocean with my piratey mates.

Ever since the trip to Key West, my inclination has been higher to check in and see what is going on. It helps that there are poker tables now, evening the earning field somewhat from my entire lack of trading ability whatsoever. On top of which, it seems as though I still have the touch with the drinking puzzle, winning the flag's haaat twice in as many weeks. With the promise of a fisticuffs puzzle much akin to Bust-A-Move on the horizon, Y!PP remains a sound subscription for years to come.

Which brings us almost up to speed. Speed being the impending trip to Vegas that I'll be spending with my puzzling mateys. I'm sure it will be a whirlwind four day tour of revelry, rampaging and restiveness. Sure bits of it are likely to be a logistical nightmare but I think the margin of that to the relative fun level are vastly in our favor. On or off the strip, we're going to have a good time and I literally cannot wait to get there.
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