With our hero now locked in mortal turmoil of the phone company now spurned at reduced services, what we he do next? Run away. Pretty obvious, really...
Yeah, so screw the phone company if they can't provide me a clean cutover of what is, in the end, a service upgrade. When you start off with a usuable connection and then go to a higher service level, I am pretty sure that the effect shouldn't be intermittent connectivity to the internet. Nope.
This little hiccup got me to do some pretty hasty research into cable modems and services along those lines. I found something that looked promising and the bonus was that I could possibly get the ball rolling after work at the very same electronics store that I bought my cell phone.
In anticipation of the switch, I contacted my phone company. Instead of trying to navigate the numerous phone menus, I tried to go the instant message route from my office over lunch. I found that this played well with my skills as a typist along with the ability to do other stuff while waiting for a reply from the representative. Before I knew it, I had rid myself of them entirely and felt that I had finally turned the corner on this whole endeaver.
I was proved wrong once again when I reached the electronics store. Not only had I mistaken who my cable provider was, but it seems as though the one that I did have, didn't have a self-installation scenario. This meant that I was going to be without the internet for another few days. Curses!
It did what I could at the store but left with only a few scraps of paper that would be used when the guy eventually comes around to set me up. In fact, I called them this morning to try to set the appointment up for Monday as I had taken the day off anyway.
So now it is a waiting game. Luckily, I have a few distractiont this weekend to keep me occupied until the fateful day on Monday where I hope to rejoin the ranks of the internet-capable