Happy Recs, Part Two

Aug 26, 2009 05:51

For my policy on things such as spoilers, warning, and ratings, please [ see my policy post]; however, note that I have not reread these stories when importing this post, so while I think none of these stories have spoilers or other items which readers might like to know about before reading, I do not swear that it is so.

After I [posted] an SGA Happy/Fuzzy rec list last week yonks ago, I realised that I had left a bunch of really good fics off of it, due to simple forgetfulness. I've attempted to fix this somewhat in this (multi-fandom) rec set, but in the process I've realised that I have lots of good happy fics to rec and that I'll need more than two LJ posts to list them all. So I've restricted myself here somewhat arbitrarily to fics (a) that I don't see as also belonging to one of the other rec lists I have in prep and (b) that meet some subconscious criteria (which if I knew what it was I'd tell you *looks on in bafflement at the workings of her own brain*).

I haven't put a 'why this story belongs on this rec set' line on these recs because for these stories the 'My notes' section contains that. Or sometimes simply the author's summary is explanation enough.

As always, let me know if there's missing podfics/commentaries/etc, broken links, inaccuracies, etc., and feel free to drop more fics in the comments.

Here are more fics that make me laugh or that make me feel warm and fuzzy inside:

Harry Potter (1 story, Draco/Hermione, Harry/Ginny)

Story: Draco Malfoy is an Evil Bastard and Still Gets the Girl
Author: starrybutterfly
Podfic: None that I know of. Given the amount of text that is email or IM, it would be difficult to do, but a multi-voice cast would probably make it possible.
Fandom, etc.: Harry Potter fandom, various pairings occur during the story (Draco/Hermione and Harry/Ginny are the main ones.) PG-13. 15K words.
Author's Summary: After those hectic Hogwarts years, the alumni feel like doing no work at all might be a very good idea. The ministry have a duck problem, everyone's sexuality is questioned, and other mayhem ensues.
My Notes: (Ginny haters, please don't run away!) This is crack, delicious Harry Potter crack! If this were the SGA fandom, I would have difficulty classifying this as crack-- no one changes species, they still live on Earth, everyone works at the Ministry of Magic, blah blah blah. The crackiness comes from the fanon characterisations and the use (abuse) of email and IMs between the MoM employees as they spend more time gossiping than actually working. One of the reasons this is a good fluffy read is that the characters are the fun, 'innocent'-ish, not traumatised by war, clever characterisations that were so popular early on in writing HP fanfic.

House (2 stories, House/Wilson)

Story: The One Where They Get Turned Into Penguins
Author: thedeadparrot
Podfic: Sadly, does not exist. I wish it did.
Fandom, etc.: House fandom, House/Wilson, PG, 2600 words
Author's Summary: House and Wilson get turned into penguins.
My Notes: I read this story before I had read much SGA crackfic, so the "My apologies to the SGA fandom for stealing their crack" part of the author's notes didn't make much sense to me at the time. This is a fun romp complete with random deus ex machina logic for how they get turned into penguins. Here's the opening of the story: Wilson was turned into a penguin on Thursday, right before the weekly board meeting, and House thought that there had never been a better excuse to skip out on it, There are other great lines in the story, but I don't want to spoil them for you.

Story: The One Where Wilson Finds A Triceratops In His Office
Author: thedeadparrot
Podfic: mp3 read by dragonwrangler, (12:07)
Fandom, etc.: House fandom, Pairing: bring your own subtext (either gen or House/Wilson), PG-13, 2300 words
Author's Summary: Wilson finds a triceratops in his office.
My Notes: Eventually there's a stegosaurus in the diagnostics conference room. And then House and Wilson have to move in together to take care of their dinosaurs! Dinosaurs! Crack! Why are you still reading what I'm typing? Go read this story! Shoo! *waving away hand motion*

Stargate: Atlantis (7 stories, gen, het, slash)

Story: Healing Station Argh
Author: toft-froggy
Podfic: mp3 or audiobook (m4b) read by general-jinjur, (1:21:37)
Fandom, etc.: SGA, OT4, NC-17, 13k words. Set some time in the first half of S4, no particular episode spoilers. Kink-- pegging.
Author's Summary: A story about the benefits of cultural exchange, contraception, the downsides to television stardom, and what counts as pre-watershed in the Pegasus galaxy.
My Notes: If this is not the funniest kink-bingo entry, please give me link(s) to the story(ies) which you think are funnier. (Seriously, I mean it!) And onto this story: Back before Sateda fell, Ronon was the male romantic lead on the Satedan equivalent of "General Hospital". And then the expedition discovers Pegasus cable (which, it turns out, doesn't have the 'family-friendly' rating requirement of American television, which leads to some interesting discussions among the team). Along the way they discover another use for naquadah. The real power of this story is the tight, humourous writing (both in and out of the sex scenes). Even if reading explicit sex scenes bothers you, you should still read this story, just skim past the sex (you'll be missing some of the story, but the rest of it is still totally worth a read).

Story: The Ninja Logs (File #001)
Author: of-evangeline
Podfic: mp3 read by hellpenguin, (5:30)
Fandom, etc.: SGA, gen, G, 900 words
Author's Summary: John's POV. The voices in my head tell me not to ask how, but to just believe.
My Notes: Another story where I've listened to the podfic a million times and it never fails to bring a smile to my face. John has to become a ninja on an offworld mission to protect his teammates and it's written in a happy, adventurous sort of way. I really love the last bit of the ending on this story (yes, I know that's very aggravating to read, but I can't tell you any more without spoiling the ending!). This is a very sweet, fun story. The title made me hope that there would be more ninja log stories, but as far as I know, this is the only one :(

Story: Poetry in Motion
Author: toft-froggy
Fandom, etc.: SGA AU (Football* team), Choose your own rating: G or very-NC17, Choose your own pairing: none or orgy, 7100 words
*Soccer, for the yanks.
Author's Summary: "If you've just tuned in, this is the final of the Pegasus Championship brought to you by Pegasus Telecommunications, I'm Richard Woolsey, here with Jack O'Neill at this game which promises to be one of the most hard-fought battles in recent footballing history."
My Notes: This is a wonderfully written fic. The first part places the SGA characters on the football (soccer) field in a tense, close game which they win through teamwork. Toft's writing is excellent (as always) and I loved this story for the visuals of the team on the field that her words brought. Toft wrote this for orgy entry in kink-bingo and I would claim that she wrote two orgies-- the first being the football team playing on the field and the second being the actual orgy in the locker room. If you'd like to skip the sexin', stop reading when they get to the locker room (and the last three sections at the bottom are safe to read too).

Story: Sing the City Electric [ LJ post associated with the story.]
Author: trinityofone
Podfic: Doesn't exist. But I would love, love, love it if there was one (with the songs sung! And preferentially recorded by an ensemble cast! It would be marvelous!).
Fandom, Pairing, Rating: SGA, John/Rodney, PG,13000 words.
Author's Summary: "You know the Ancients loved to leave warning labels. Especially the ones that say, 'Caution--may cause everyone to spontaneously burst into song.' "
My Notes: Have you seen the musical episode of Buffy? It is awesome, isn't it? Don't you wish SGA had had a musical episode? *pouts at the producers of SGA* But don't worry, trinityofone has come to save us! She's written a lovely musical episode of SGA, complete with telling you the tunes to which the various songs/song-fragments belong. The story is in script format, which I found non-intrusive (normally I hate script-format stories). I really wish this had been an actual episode because the tunes that she chose and the lyrics she wrote/modified were so very well-done and I would have loved to see it on the screen.

Story: Showing
Author: ladycat777
Fandom, Pairing, Rating: SGA, gen, PG, 4300 words.
Author's Summary: She knows Colonel Sheppard is famous for disobeying orders, but Susan and her team are nobodies. Just random faces in uniforms that she doubts Colonel Sheppard could put names to.
My Notes: I have loved this story from the very first moment I read it. Dinky-est summary ever: "Susan's team was caught off-world and Team Sheppard came to their rescue. Susan says her thanks to the rescuers by baking them things." Amazingly dinky plot summary, no? Amazingly awesome story. I think part of why I love this story is the role that food plays. If you've read my journal here at all, you will have noticed that I love food, I love talking about it, I love feeding people, I love it when other people love food. So a story where 'thanks for saving my life and those of my team' is said by the careful choosing of an appropriate baked good (one per person) and then the presentation of said baked good? Well, that story is one that I can get behind. *hugs story* But even if you do not have the same love affair that I do with food as love, there are things that will draw you into this story. I love the foods she chose, that she chose to thank more than just Sheppard's team, and I absolutely loved Sheppard's characterisation (here he is absolutely the adult military commander of an expedition in a different galaxy). Rodney and Ronon are also very well done.

These next two were previously recced, but they fit into this list, so I'm copying and pasting my previous recs of them to here:

Title: The Ones Where They are a Unicorn and a Rainbow (and a Dolphin and a Warm Spring Breeze)-- Part One-- But Where Would They Live and Part Two-- The Dreams That You Dare to Dream (Or, But What Would the Children Look Like?)
Author: thingswithwings
Audiofic (m4b): Both stories (30:17), Part 1 (11:34), Part 2 (18:42), read by general-jinjur
Podfic (mp3):Part 1, Part 2
Fandom, etc.: Crack. I highly doubt any knowledge of the canon is even necessary, but for the sake of completeness, the fandom is SGA. John/Rodney, side Teyla/Ronon. PG. 2900 words and 1600 words.
Author's Rating/Warning: Part one: this is fic in which RODNEY IS A UNICORN AND JOHN IS A RAINBOW. no ratings or warning will sufficiently prepare you for this. the MPAA doesn't have a category for this. it is pure, unadulterated crack, and I have nothing to say in my own defense. Part two: I just don't know where to start. it's now unicorn/rainbow kidfic.
My review of the fic: Pure awesome crack. Completely ridiculous. I have a very large soft spot for crack and the absurd. I'm positive that no knowledge of the fandom or canon is necessary for these stories. However, these are well-told crack!fics. It is the little moments that make the story worth re-reading when the crack-craving hits. The interpersonal interactions are done very well. I'm kinda shocked that I'm writing that about, well, a rainbow and the rest of the motley crew, but yeah, it works. Plus, rainbow/unicorn kidfic! Don't worry, Unicorn Rodney spends most of the second story being as confused by how that works as you are. There's an amazing amount of canon-compliant characterization for a rainbow and unicorn fic--hey, a grumpy unicorn Rodney, that's gotta be worth the price of admission alone. [previous rec]
My notes on the podfic:general-jinjur recorded these for me as a bribe for me to donate to [Archive of Our Own] and she did an absolutely wonderful job. She manages to make thoughts inside the characters' heads sound different from their spoken dialogue. She does an excellent job of doing the tone of voice when reading. Aaaand she made lovely covers for the audiobooks. *squishes the podfics tightly to her chest*

Title: That Which Does Not Kill Us
Author: liketheriverrun
Fandom, etc.: SGA, John/Rodney, Team, graphic novel--9 pages, (dialup users beware)
Spoilers: Anything up through The Seed
Author's Summary: The inspiring tale of a team strengthening their bond through group therapy (aka, five secrets about the team that came out in therapy)
My Notes: Awesome, awesome, awesome! Absolutely worth the wait for the images to load :) [previous rec]

Angel the Vampire Slayer (1 story, Spike/Connor)

Story: Norwolk
Author: Ladycat777
Podfic: Doesn't exist but should.
Fandom, etc.: Angel tVS, Spike/Connor, PG-13, 2500 words
Author's Summary: So Spike gets sneaky. He uses all he's learned at stealth and all his gifted speed and strength to do things like dart in and remake the bed, leaving glasses of lukewarm tea in his wake. He cleans the bathroom kamikaze style, one whole swoop because he's not getting another shot. Soups or other easily-digestible foods--or so says the internet, and in one desperate outing, Angel's newest secretary--are placed like tokens throughout the apartment, random jewels to be discovered when they smell good enough.
My Notes: This is a new story, one that was written between the first happy fuzzy rec set and this one, so it doesn't have the longevity of making me feel happy and fuzzy that other stories on these lists do, but as soon as I read it I knew I was adding it to this list. I have this fic filed in my brain as 'The one where Spike cares for Connor [when he is sick]', which is a completely inadequate description of Spike being caring and worrying and stealthy and caring (and Connor being feverish and miserable), but that is why I didn't write this story and LadyCat did.

Torchwood (1 story, gen)

Story: Trying to Communicate
Author: sam-storyteller
Podfic: mp3 read by waldo (thefannishwaldo), (10:25)
Fandom, etc.: Torchwood gen (look, it's Torchwood, it's hard to classify! Mentions made of Ianto/Jack but that's all), PG, 1500 words.
Spoilers: Through 2.07, Dead Man Walking
Author's Summary: There's an alien in the Hub, and it's trying to communicate. This borders perilously on crackfic.
My Notes: I recommend not eating or drinking whilst reading/listening to this one. There's a feline alien who's communicating in lolcat who has crashed into the Hub and the whole thing is just marvelous. I also really recommend the podfic-- waldo did lovely with the voices and especially did lovely with the cat's dialogue-- she managed to mispronounce the 'phonetic' lolcat-speak just enough to make you realise it was lolcat whilst still pretending that it was phonetic. (I'll save my rant on lolcat-spelling for another day.)

Captain Jack Harkness (2 stories, Jack/Cheese)

Evidently today I feel like following jadesfire2808 by considering our favourite Captain Jack Harkness his own fandom. I'd like to take a moment to appreciate Captain Jack and his certain something. With cheese.

Story: For the love of Cheese
Author: JadesFire2808
Podfic: mp3 read by JadesFire2808, (7:20)
Fandom, etc.: Captain Jack Harkness (or Torchwood, if you are a purist about your fandoms), Jack/Brie, G, 1200 words
Author's Summary: not given
My Notes: There's a new employee at Torchwood Wales and he has opinions on Jack's opinions on cheese.

Story: Feeling Blue
Author: miss-zedem
Podfic: mp3 read by jadesfire2808, (2:32)
Fandom, etc.: Captain Jack Harkness (or Torchwood, if you are a purist about your fandoms), Jack/Stilton and Jack/Ianto, PG, 340 words
Author's Summary: none given.
My Notes: I have two three words from this fic for you: "Restraining order" and "cheese" :)

[ Originally posted] at fish-echo on 3 April 2009.

pairing:slash, fandom:harry potter, type:graphic novel(la)/picspam, fandom:angeltvs, pairing:het, fandom:sga, pairing:poly, type:fic, pairing:gen, fandom:captain jack harkness, fandom:house, fish: do screenreader friendly edits, type:podfic, fandom:torchwood, fish: do updates/edits

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