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wpiggy October 21 2020, 18:35:03 UTC
Угу, а ещё Брон своим приглашением Манна рассорил Манна и Хенсли. Брон действительно использовал пять разных соло Манфреда, когда микшировал песню, это не легенда, он сам говорил в интервью.

"I think Ken was jealous of Manfred. But the reason we did that was “July Morning”, before Manfred came in, had taken very long and nothing was happening, so I suggested to them that we get Manfred to come in and play on his “Moog”, because that was something new. He came into the studio and heard the music and went, “I can’t do anything with this, it’s just one chord!” But I said, “No, Manfred, I know you can do something. Go down in the studio and play something”. So he goes down and he plays, he comes back up again - it was one of those studios downstairs - and says, “No, it’s not going to work”. I said, “Manfred, what you played was absolutely fantastic!” He said, “Really? Do you think so?” I said, “Absolutely! That’s terrific!” He said, “Oh, it was nothing, I can do much better than that”. So he went back down again, played another solo, and he said, “What do you think?” And I said, “Well, that’s pretty good but, actually, the first one was better”. He said, “Oh no, no, was it better? No, no, I can do it better than those two”. And he played five different solos! Each one was different, they weren’t anything like each other. So he came back again and said, “What do you think?” “You just played five amazing solos, and what we’ll do is use a bit of this one and a bit of that one, and that will be the record”. But he was never convinced he could do it."



fish_owner October 21 2020, 18:51:57 UTC
Отличная история :) Теперь бы издать все пять соло целиком. Или уже?


wpiggy October 21 2020, 20:13:28 UTC
Надо ковырять всякие "юбилейные" и "коллекционные" издания. Где-то может и есть отдельно эти тейки. Я не настолько фанат Хипов :)


wpiggy October 21 2020, 20:25:40 UTC
Поковырялся на диксогз.
Есть вот такое издание
"An Alternative Look At Yourself"
Альтернативные миксы. "Утро" там намного длиннее оригинальной версии, наверняка разница как раз в соло. Так что думаю можно слушать и сравнивать, что там Манфред творил :)


fish_owner October 21 2020, 21:38:56 UTC
Ого! Спасибо!


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